
Who Will Reign?

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lets say, God forbid, The Queen of England passes away today. does her son Prince Charles take the throne? or is he too old? and if prince charles doesnt take the throne which son of his will? Harry or William?

and lets say prince charles DOES take the throne. who takes it after his death? william or harry?

how is it determined as well? is it whoever is older (for example if william is older does he take the throne?) or is it chosen by mum and dad?




  1. ~*Me, Myself and I*~

    The world knows I will the be the one to reign.


  2. The crown goes to the eldest son of the monarch.  In this case it will be Charles.  There is no age limit.  When Charles dies it will go to William, since he is the elder son.

    If there is no son, the crown goes to the eldest daughter of the monarch.  If the monarch has no children, it goes to the eldest brother of the monarch and after him I believe its the eldest brother's sons, then daughters, although that's when it used to get ugly and relatives tended to go to war. ;)

  3. The Prince of Wales is next in line of succession;he will  take the reign as long as he is mentally able to do so.The next in line of succession is his son,William,then currently,Harry. I say currently,because one day William will marry and have children,who automatically enter into the line of successsion after their father.

    Here's the explanation from

    "The order of succession is the sequence of members of the Royal Family in the order in which they stand in line to the throne.

    The basis for the succession was determined in the constitutional developments of the seventeenth century, which culminated in the Bill of Rights (1689) and the Act of Settlement (1701).

    When James II fled the country in 1688, Parliament held that he had 'abdicated the government' and that the throne was vacant. The throne was then offered, not to James's young son, but to his daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange, as joint rulers.

    It therefore came to be established not only that the Sovereign rules through Parliament, but that the succession to the throne can be regulated by Parliament, and that a Sovereign can be deprived of his title through misgovernment.

    The succession to the throne is regulated not only through descent, but also by statute; the Act of Settlement confirmed that it was for Parliament to determine the title to the throne.

    The Act laid down that only Protestant descendants of Princess Sophia - the Electress of Hanover and granddaughter of James I - are eligible to succeed. Subsequent Acts have confirmed this.

    Parliament, under the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement, also laid down various conditions which the Sovereign must meet. A Roman Catholic is specifically excluded from succession to the throne; nor may the Sovereign marry a Roman Catholic.

    The Sovereign must, in addition, be in communion with the Church of England and must swear to preserve the established Church of England and the established Church of Scotland. The Sovereign must also promise to uphold the Protestant succession."

    Line of succession


    1.   The Prince of Wales

    2.   Prince William of Wales

    3.   Prince Henry of Wales

    4.   The Duke of York

    5.   Princess Beatrice of York

    6.   Princess Eugenie of York

    7.   The Earl of Wessex

    8.   Viscount Severn

    9.   The Lady Louise Windsor

    10. The Princess Royal

    11. Mr. Peter Phillips

    12. Miss Zara Phillips

    13. Viscount Linley

    14. The Hon. Charles Armstrong-Jones

    15. The Hon. Margarita Armstrong-Jones

    16. The Lady Sarah Chatto

    17. Master Samuel Chatto

    18. Master Arthur Chatto

    19. The Duke of Gloucester

    20. Earl of Ulster

    21. Lord Culloden

    22. The Lady Davina Lewis

    23. The Lady Rose Windsor

    24. The Duke of Kent

    25. The Lady Marina-Charlotte Windsor

    26. The Lady Amelia Windsor

    27. The Lady Helen Taylor

    28. Master Columbus Taylor

    29. Master Cassius Taylor

    30. Miss Eloise Taylor

    31. Miss Estella Taylor

    32. The Lord Frederick Windsor

    33. The Lady Gabriella Windsor

    34. Princess Alexandra, the Hon. Lady Ogilvy

    35. Mr. James Ogilvy

    36. Master Alexander Ogilvy

    37. Miss Flora Ogilvy

    38. Miss Marina Ogilvy

    39. Master Christian Mowatt

    40. Miss Zenouska Mowatt

    The United Kingdom follows the laws of Primogeniture;that is,the eldest son inherits.If the offspring are all daughters,the eldest daughter inherits.

  4. The line of succession to the British Throne is an ordered list of the people in line to succeed to the throne of the United Kingdom. The succession is regulated by the Act of Settlement 1701, which limits it to the heirs of the Electress Sophia of Hanover, as determined by male-preference primogeniture, religion, and legitimate birth:

    - A person is always immediately followed in the succession by his or her own legitimate descendants (his or her "line"). Birth order and gender matter: older sons (and their lines) come before younger sons (and theirs); a person's sons (and their lines), irrespective of age, all come before his or her daughters (and their lines).

    - The monarch must be a Protestant at time of accession, and enter into communion with the Church of England after accession.

    - Anyone who is Roman Catholic, becomes Roman Catholic, or marries a Roman Catholic is permanently excluded from the succession.

    - A person born to parents who are not married to each other at the time of birth is not included in the line of succession. The subsequent marriage of the parents does not alter this.

    The following is the list of royals in line to the throne:

    1. HRH The Prince of Wales (The Prince Charles; b. 1948), son of Queen Elizabeth II

    2. HRH Prince William of Wales (b. 1982), son of The Prince of Wales

    3. HRH Prince Henry of Wales (b. 1984), son of The Prince of Wales

    4. HRH The Duke of York (The Prince Andrew; b. 1960), son of Queen Elizabeth II

    5. HRH Princess Beatrice of York (b. 1988), daughter of The Duke of York

    6. HRH Princess Eugenie of York (b. 1990), daughter of The Duke of York

    7. HRH The Earl of Wessex (The Prince Edward; b. 1964), son of Queen Elizabeth II

    8. James Windsor, Viscount Severn, (legally HRH Prince James of Wessex; b. 2007), son of The Earl of Wessex  

    9. Lady Louise Windsor (legally HRH Princess Louise of Wessex; b. 2003), daughter of The Earl of Wessex

    10. HRH The Princess Royal (The Princess Anne; b. 1950), daughter of Queen Elizabeth II

    11. Peter Phillips (b. 1977), son of The Princess Royal

    12. Zara Phillips (b. 1981), daughter of The Princess Royal

    Prince Charles of Wales may choose to abdicate in favour of his eldest son Prince William, but that is totally up to him. If he decides to give up his claim to the throne, he must pass it to his first born son before his second born son. The only way Prince Harry can ascend the throne is when Prince William passes away or abdicates too.

    Under the succession law, no one including the Queen is allowed to alter the law and/or skip a legitimate heir/heiress to the throne unless he/she breached the four regulations stated in above.

  5. Charles will take the place when the Queen passes away and then William.  If Charles were to pass away first William would then take over after his grandmother.  

    ---After his father's ascending to the throne William would probably be titled as the Prince of Wales.  He would then be heir apparent to the British Monarchy.

    ---Harry will then be second in line to the throne until William gets married and has children...then Harry will move further down in the line of succession.

    Succession is determined by when you are born and your s*x.  Any male will come before a female in the British line of succession even if a female is born first.

    ---The Line of Succession is rather confusing actually, It first is determined the children of the a monarch.  The eldest son comes first and then his children, then the other sons and their children after that, finally the daughters and her children come after that.    Then it gets more confusing by leading into the brothers and sisters families of the monarch.  For example the line is

    1)Prince Charles (First child to Queen Elizabeth)

    2)Prince William or Wales(1st son of Prince Charles)

    3)Prince Harry or Wales(2nd son of Prince Charles)

    4)Prince Andrew, Duke or York (Queen 3rd child/2nd son)

    5)Princess Beatrice of York (Eldest daughter of Andrew)

    6)Princess Eugenie of York (2nd born daughter of Andrew)

    7)Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (3rd born son to Elizabeth)

    8)Viscount Severn (son and last born to Earl of Wessex)

    9)Lady Louise Windsor (daughter but first born to Earl of   Wessex)

    10)Anne, Princess Royale (2nd born and only daughter 2 Eliz)

    11)Peter Philips (Princess Anne's son)

    12) Zara Philips (Princess Anne's daughter)

  6. The eldest son inherits the throne. There is no age limit, so Charles would become king, and after him, William.

    The order of inheritance is determined by birth order, not how the parents feel afterwards.

  7. The throne goes to the first born.  It is Charles, then William, then Harry.

  8. You really should have studied your bible better or at least gone to school more often.
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