
Who Will Win the 08-09 NBA Rookie of the year?

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i have to say its going to be Micahel Beasley he is better than the stupid Derreck Rose




  1. Oden or Beasley

  2. Greg Oden he got to learn all about the NBA last year

  3. greg oden or micheal beasely or oj mayo or kevin love

  4. Oden or Beasley, PG is too hard of a transition(its like QB in the NFL) so that rules out Rose and Mayo.

  5. Beasley, Mayo, or Speights

    I hope Chris Douglas-Roberts wins it though

  6. Michael Beasley. he is sooo far ahead of Derrick Rose right now. Rose still needs time to adjust to the NBA and learn to run the Bulls' offense. Greg Oden's knee is still a question mark and i still need to see if he has developed his offensive game or not.

  7. Michael Beasley or Greg Oden

  8. Mayo!!

  9. Greg Oden.

  10. OJ MAyo





  12. Michael Beasley is winning it for sure.  Way ahead of Rose, better talent wise then Mayo and Love.  The only one that can threaten him for the rookie of year is Oden, but i still think Beasley will win it.

  13. Greg Oden

  14. 1. Anthony Randolph

    2. Michael Beasley

    3. Jerryd Balyess

    3. Greg Oden

    5. OJ Mayo

    6. Derrick Rose

    7. DJ Augustin

    8. Russel Westbrook

    9. Kevin Love

    10. Eric Gordon

    The dark horse for R.O.Y is definetely Randolph. He is by no means the best player in this draft (Beasley is.) but the guy is an impact player and with Davis heading to the Clippers (which'll test their depth); Randolph shoud start every game of the 08/09 season & get plenty of minutes. He is a terrific competitor (as the summer league suggests) and should post about 16,7 & a block shot every night.... enough to snare the honour ahead of Beasley.

    You have to feel for Bayless and Oden (Future hall of fame: barring injury). They're two of the better rookies going around; yet, they'll be alongside the likes of Roy and Aldridge who are bound to steal some pts, boards and assists off them. However, look out for Portland this season, they will defintely add a new dimension to the already strong western conference.

    What about the number one pick you might say? Why at number 6?

    Rose is a world class athelete with a great feel for the game. However he'll need about 3 seasons to prime as the most athletic point guard this league has ever seen!! He still needs to sharpen his already amazing skill-set... For eg: he has a tendancy to dive into the lane and make flashy passes...Also, his jump shot will need to improve and he definetely needs to fine tune his perimeter game. With this said, he'll definetely be better than Deron Williams and should become a more athletic CP3 with a hint of Magic in him.

    Shaping up to be a great season!

  15. Anthony Randolph baby. This guy has been tearing it up in the summer league and will finally get time for the Dubs. Nelson will have to play him because he vowed to play rookies and he has no other choice. Randolph is fundamentally sound and is like a Lamar Odam minus the injuries.

  16. K-Love

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