
Who Will win the Stanley Cup Detroit or Pitsburg?

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Who Will win the Stanley Cup Detroit or Pitsburg?




  1. wow an original question that hasnt been asked millions of times.......not


  2. Detroit.

  3. Pitsburgh? never heard of that team.

  4. Seriously, enough of this stupid question already.

    The 1st team with 4 wins will win the cup.


    please don't make the mistake a leaving h out in Pittsburgh . this Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    Pittsburgh without h is Pittsburg, california

    It very confusing

  6. I hope the Pens didn't use all their energy tonight. We already saw what happened to the Rangers and Flyers. We've got one more game in Pittsburgh on Saturday. If the Pens win, the series is even and anything goes. If the Wings win, it may be all but over.

  7. Let's go Red Wings!


  8. Hi,

    DETROIT, GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Once again......isn't it easier, if you all are obviously so busy to answer a question over n over, to jusy skip it instead of wasting precious time typing????? Hopefully the Wings

  10. hey maybe the pens got there number after game 3 and won so i would not count the pens out yet still got to win 4 games!!!! plus you have to add the H to Pittsburgh ok!!

  11. First of all this question has been asked to death and second learn how to spell Pittsburgh.

  12. Pens in 6 because they have great offense and Goalie. By the way the red wings are idiots.

  13. wings, they take game 4, they figured out how to win in Pittsburgh. and atleast i can spell Pittsburgh and im a die hard wings fan. pens still have no answer for winning game 5. sorry pens fans i dont see you winning.

  14. For the 4,657,234,752th time!

    No one can say for 100% sure, but, my moneys on Detroit.

  15. With the intensity that they showed tonight, it finally showed the world what the pens can do, which is score goals, hit, and kill penalties. The first couple of games, they did not have an answer for the red wings. I think that they have finally figured out what is going on and I look for the series to be a lot tighter the rest of the way through. This series is going to 7 games. My heart is with Pittsburgh so thats what im going with.

  16. Detroit red wings!

    GO DETROIT!!!!!!!!

    WOOT-WOOT! =]

    Lol, i am a red wings fan

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