
Who Would Win This 4 Diva Over The Top Rope Battle Royal?

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You decide who wins, the order of elimination, and how they got eliminated. Here are the divas: Victoria, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, & Layla.

Here is my example.

Order of Elimination:

1. Layla By: Victoria How: Clothelined over the ropes

2. Victoria By: Natalya How: Beth did the fisherman suplex on her and Natalya picked her up and dropped her out

3. Beth Phoenix By: Natalya How: Natalya picked her up and dropped her over the ropes

Winner: Natalya




  1. Victorio, Beth, or Natalya, Layla wouldn't stand a chance.

  2. I think the order would go

    Layla by:  Victoria How :drop kicked over the top rope

    Victoria By: Beth Phoenix How: Did the fisherman suplex to her then through her out while Natalya was down

    Natalya By:Beth Phoenix How:the same as Victoria execpt she grabs her by the hair and throws her out.

         Winner: Beth Phoenix

  3. 1. Beth Phoenix By: Natalya, Victoria, and Layla How: they tripled team her and threw her over the ropes.

    2. Layla By: Victoria How: did Widows Peak then clotheslined her over the rope.

    3. Victoria By: Natalya How: Victoria goes for a clothesline but misses then Natalya does a dropkick and Victoria goes over the tope rope. Victoria still hanged on then Natalya did a kick to the gut and gets the win.

    Winner Natalya


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