
Who Would Win in a Extreme Elimanation Chamber Match?

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Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs Sabu vs Randy Orton vs MVP vs Finlay





  1. Jeff Hardy  

  2. Jeff Hardy, who else. He's the only true extremeist in there, with all do respect to Sabu.

  3. Jeff Hardy. Normally Orton would have won but he is not as extreme.

  4. Hmm.


    He's good at climbing those sorta things :]

  5. sabu. he is the extremist out of all them. these are some good names on the list like matt and jeff. finley and mvp aren't even extreme. orton isn't really either.

  6. Orton would win ...  

  7. Jeff Hardy

  8. I say It would come down to Randy Orton and Sabu. Sabu would attempt some insane jump off the top of one of the chambers onto Randy whose on a table and bleeding in the area outside the ring. Sabu would jump right as Randy Orton stood up, Randy would jump up and catch Sabu in mid air and RKO him through the table. They would both be down and injured but Randy would get up first and wait for Sabu to get onto his hands and knees. Once that happened he would deliver a running kick to Sabu's head and get the pin.

  9. put edge in instead of orton, and any one else in instead of finlay. but i think jeff hardy in all honesty would be very extreme. the hardys should reunite on ecw. they could bring back the extreme.

  10. sabu hands down

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