
Who absolutely loved sarah palins speech?!?

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it just makes me want to say...





  1. thought it was rather immature how she kept using sarcasm in her speech.....sort of unprofessional if you ask me. Say you disagree about something if you want but the sarcasm just sounds very un-vicepresidential. Can you imagine if she is so sarcastic to other world leaders or at foreign policy meetings? It would be embarrasing. It's easy to say you don't like someone else's plan but how about saying what, exactly, your own plan is?

  2. The one where she spent the whole time talking about how Obama had no experience. And didn't give any examples of what she is going to help change?

    Who is she anyhow?

  3. For someone no one knew until this past weekend...she made a tremendous impression.

    I loved her speech.  She connected with her audience almost immediately.  She appears down to earth and determined.

    She was the highlight of the convention and I don't think she is finished yet!

  4. Lacked substance.  However, she said she is a pitbull.  We will find out when she jumps in the ring with me.  


    McCain /Palin 2008

  6. Palin is a nice package, and she is a good speaker.  However, her recent speech and her actions and beliefs are a contradiction.

    Palin will appeal to those people who do not do their research, want the “good old girl,” the PTA mom who shoots a gun, does not believe in separations of church and state, does not believe in evolution, would deny women a choice, believes abstinence is the only s*x-education, tried to ban books in her local library, increased the Wasilla debt while mayor to 22 million and does not believe in global warming.

    Palin claimed to be against earmarks, long one of McCain's peeves; however, she bought in millions in earmarks for the city, even hiring a top-notch lobbyist law firm in Washington to make it happen.  The speech was excellent but it was empty and was not about her.

  7. I loved it . she is awesome .

  8. It was amazing and she will be a great vp!!!!

  9. Loved it!

  10. McCain could have made a fatal mistake and picked a Washington insider good ol' boy.

    Instead he picked someone who is the embodiment of small town America.

    I've seen people harping about her just reading from a teleprompter, but the fact is, about half way through, the teleprompter goofed...

    To her credit, Governor Palin held it together and continued from her notes.

    I found her speech inspiring and thrilling.

    In my opinion, she knocked it out of the park.

  11. Check mate! Nice.... I think Obama's campaign just got bit** Slapped!  

  12. I loved it, and McCain's was surprisingly good also.

  13. I did

  14. I stood up in my living room and sang "I am woman...hear me ROAR".  Hillary took the woman's movement back 50 years...Sarah Barracuda advanced it for little grand-daughters generation.  She is our next president !!  


  15. Loved it!

    Go Sarah!

    McCain/Palin '08

  16. Loved it. The new face of the Republican Party.  

  17. Those people who value image over substance?

    Nothing about her homespun, down home, hockey mom presentation made me believe she could lead the nation.

    I found her speech to be rehersed and over-written.

    I can't wait to see how she handles herself in the debate

  18. not me, i thought it was sarcastic and nasty.  news flash - you can't knock somebody's experience when you don't have any yourself

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