
Who actually beliefs that global warming is caused be humans?

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I think that global warming has to do with the climate's cycle. a long long time ago the earth was nice and warm. than everything froze, now since METHANE in the artic is being released from BELOW GROUND and not from humans, the climate is getting warm again. we couldn't have changed much even if we tried.




  1. lol, al gore

    Green Merchandise!

  2. I don't know how much or how many, but its possible its being caused by both humans and machinery.  If we turn off the lights in the house EVERY night, we'd be using less electricity.  And If we all had very fuel-efficient cars, less carbon monoxide would be released in the air, causing the Ozone layer to last a lot longer!  And smoking?  Some believe that smoking can damage the Ozone layer too.

  3. Personally, I'm caught between two worlds. I can't really decide.

    But even if global warming isn't caused by humans, wouldn't you say it's still smart to do these beneficial things for the environment? Such as cutting down pollution? even if polllution and stuff isn't causing global warming, it's still not good for the environment.

    you see what I'm saying?

  4. Not me.

  5. As everyone knows that CO2 is the primary reason for Green house  effect and huge amounts of that is released everyday by our modern day cars and machines.So ,as u told Methane is "also" a reason for green house effect .But,the primary reason for global warming is co2 and So2 released from cars and other machines.

    HUMANS are the main reason for global warming!

  6. Global warming is a combination problem, yes it is naturally occuring and yes humans have spead the cycle up. We all contribute to the problem and we all must contribute to the solution.

  7. many people actually believe that it was caused by the Japanese n***s

  8. Al Gore.

    Very few others.

  9. not me

  10. We don't cause it. We contribute to it. There is a history of Earth warming and cooling, but due to us, we've helped get the planet warmer (like in Summer for CA it would be from 80-95, now it's 95-105). So we don't cause it, but help it (which is obviously very BAD)

  11. Almost all climate scientists and pretty much everyone else who has thoroughly researched the scientific evidence.  See link below.

  12. Socialist


    UN People (see above)

    Climate scientist who reap the benefit to the tune of $5 billion per year

    Politicians who will collect the extra tax revenue

    And my favorite Al "King of the Buffet Line" Gore

  13. Two definitions of the word: "Belief"

    1. The subjective assessment of uncertainty.

    2. An unproven assertion based on one or more fundamental assumptions.

    With these definitions, very few people "believe" that global warming is primarily caused by humans because it is not subjective, it is objective.  The assertion is not "unproven" any more as it once was.

    Scientists rigorously test any assertions they make.  They also rigorously test any assertions other scientists make.  This is a fundamental part of the scientific process and without it no science could be trusted or relied upon.

    That global warming is primarily caused by human activity is an assertion that has been denied so many times that it has been tested and re-tested beyond all reasonable doubt.

    Those people who still doubt this assertion when presented with all the facts and arguments from both sides of the debate are people who lack critical thinking skills.  There are also many people who have the required critical thinking skills who have simply not been presented with all of the relevant facts.

    Wise people recognise what they are lacking (either knowledge or ability) and either acquire it or seek the advice of someone who already has.

  14. 1)  David Suzuki...Canada's 'top climate scientist' haha! (Oohhh...God help us!)  And the Weather Network here...his 'thought police'.  He probably pays them to bow to him.

    2) Sheep.  They're 'natural followers' of the herd.

  15. I don't BELIEVE that.  Neither do over 31,000 scientists.

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