
Who actually believes in astrology, it's so fake?

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Who actually believes in astrology, it's so fake?




  1. I do. But, once they tell me something wrong, I don't trust in whatever I was doing, and find another method. It's not entirely the truth of course, but it's another step closer to knowing something about yourself and life.

    Now, those texting things where you text something to get your horoscope is fake, and if you have to pay... its fake.

  2. That's your opinion but it doesn't mean your right. If you think it's so fake then why do you even waste your time asking this question in this section of yahoo? It amazes me how many unbelievers like yourself come in this section and bad mouth but yet you guys post all the questions! If you think it's fake fine! Stay out of this section and go to another one where you do believe in something.

  3. I believe that astrology is real and it can be a powerful tool in helping you understand yourself and others around.

    Knowing more cannot hurt, but can open your eyes a little

  4. The sad thing is A LOT of people believe it, just like they believe in Tarot readings, crystals, spirit guides, Ouija boards, etc.  And the people who believe in things like this say that believing in God or Allah is so fake...

    Just goes to prove that one person's stupidity is another person's religion.

  5. Wow, guess you know it all already don't you? Nothing worth looking at in this section, then, right?

  6. Sarge 927 - thats a harsh answer and rather bigoted.

    Astrology isnt fake.  Just because you dont believe in it doesnt mean to say it isnt right or has some credence.

  7. I think genetics play a part of course, but some people have a hard time understanding astrology. It helps to learn how to read. I think mostly anyone can read some astrology books and form their own opinions rather than sitting in a chair all day and getting a six pack. Some people would rather just fall in with one line of thinking which has been programmed into them by society. That is so fake. I think it's a lot like the narrow-minded people who only like one genre of music.

    Get some exercise, dude. You started posting this type of stuff over two hours ago:;...

  8. I dont beleive in those crappy

    "Text ____ to _____ and find the exact name of your future love!"

  9. We dont look to the stars to find out about ourselves. At least not me. I believe in in it because it confirmed what I already knew about myself.For the people who have their opinion that astrology is fake your making yourselves look foolish because you have no idea what you are talking about. These sun sign colums you see online and in the newspaper are for entertainment purposes only and have no connection at all to real astrology. And yet here you are all high and mighty spouting your opinions without looking into the subject?Futhuremore if you dont believe in it than the only reason you came here in the first place was to just be jerks. Respect other peoples beliefs.

    EDIT: Countering any arguments about the precession of the equinoxes the signs are metaphors. Astrology was always used in accordince to the equinoxes. The seasons. March 21 is the starting point of aries.The planets came before the signs.  Over time the affects of a certain planet in the location of a certain sign was noted and the sign was used as a reference point to make charting the planets easier.

  10. like you'd really know

  11. if you paid more attention to the personalities of those around  you and did a little more research on astrology, perhaps you'd have a different opinion.  some practice astrology more than others. but even those who don't follow can't help but notice the patterns.

    and as for the comment made by sarge927 - i follow astrology and believe in God with every atom of my being.  i don't look to the stars for answers....i only look for clues.

  12. You know what I don't understand. Why you feel the need to come on to an ASTROLOGY site to say that. If you don't believe in astrology than why don't you just leave it at that. People believe in many different things. This is what's wrong with society. People think that they have to push their beliefs or knock other peoples for what? for fun? this I don't understand. How about going on to another website and looking at something that interests you and not dissing people because they are interested in astrology. GROW UP

  13. jj

  14. I just think astrology helps one understand yourself as well as others. This mostly has to do with personalities. However, how a person was rasied or just their overall morals always matters to me when it comes to dating.

    My parents signs are not comtatible and they have been married for 27 years. Astology does not predict anyones future. Whoever believes that is wack!

  15. yer tellin me.

    who actually depends on stars to tell yu yer future????

  16. At first I thought it was just a bunch of lies, but when I did some research on my zodiac sign,  (scorpio) I found out that my sign is ALOT like me. That made me realize that it was sorta true. Also, when I read my horoscopes, they actually come true. It's like whoever wrote it, knew what was happening. Does that answer your question?

  17. yea same here. Why do people need to look to the stars or the Paranormal to understand who we would be with or what our special traits are, why don't people find out by themselves?

  18. i believe in astrology

  19. its fake

    but still, its fun to read

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