
Who actually eats the Hushpuppies at Long John Silvers????

by  |  earlier

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Now they have these extra large ones....

I'm not a picky eater at all, but those are one of the few things I cant not eat!




  1. not i!!!

  2. I love hushpuppies. and i always get them when i'm there and i love Long John silvers.

  3. That is one thing I actually won't eat.  Love their shrimp though.

  4. I sometimes go there JUST to order them. My wife loves 'em.  Me?  I could do without 'em.

  5. they are really the only thing I eat there

    my hubby hates them, so he gives me his when we eat there

  6. I cant stand them either! I give them to my husband or my 2 yr old daughter.

  7. Over rated and over priced, I don't like them and wish they would offer a different option.

  8. me i eat them i eat mine my husbands and the kids if i can fit them

  9. Uh yeah! I like `em! But I hardly ever eat there so I dont have it too often, and theyre good every once and a while.

  10. I drown them in vinegar and eat them... if I don't have enough vinegar i give them to my dog

  11. I luuv hushpuppies at long john silvers they are sooooooo good oh my godsh im craving 4 1 right now

  12. blehhhh!! i sure dont, i give them to my dog, he eats anything!

  13. EWWW..I don't like them at all.

  14. I have not eaten at Long John Silver's in about 10 years. If I did though, I would devour some hush puppies. I think they're delicious, and if I didn't have to worry about being a fattie I'd go get some tonight.

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