
Who actually knows whats going on with the US government and what is the future of this great nation?

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Who actually knows whats going on with the US government and what is the future of this great nation?




  1. The future is blessed with change that is coming on November naive Historians & Old media are instigating a Economy Crisis rather Archivists and Archaeologists has ignited that we can sit and wait whilst unemployment continue to shadow laziness rather men and women have to start making sense that they can't leave generation without Hope and get greedy to build disturbances for Me & U to continue engine Public Service to let the rest of civilize nations follow suite. America has come far away for its Principle and Ethics which spearhead both Awareness & Class of elite to be let down by uncivilise instigation that chastised IGNORANCE!

  2. The government became a corporation, declared bankruptcy in the 30s, and has now spent so much imaginary (but borrowed) money that it's about to collapse in upon itself.

    And it was all very carefully planned and meticulously executed.

    Welcome to the "New World Order"

  3. Here's what is going on in fantasy-land, Beloved:

  4. i don't know about you, but i will thrive in this great nation. it pains me to see people atlk down about the state and direction of our country. they ahve no idea how good we have it here. we complain about having to pay for gas for our $50k SUVs, how we need universal healthcare, and how illegal immigrants are taking our jobs. at least we have great doctors, money to buy cars, and the opportunity to work in virtually every industry in the world right here at home.

  5. Nobody knows because the BUSH ADMINISTRATION has operated A SECRET GOVERNMENT.

  6. They are both heade towards the s*****r regardless of who is elected

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