
Who actually knows where Australia is?

by Guest57420  |  earlier

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coz my sister has been staying in New Jersey the past 2 weeks and they dont even know where our country is on the map..pffft..




  1. southern and eastern hemispheres, south of asia, north of antarctica, and west of new zealand

  2. i only know cos i live here,, if i lived in new jersey i wouldnt know thats just me, a big dumba$s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. duh,.. what 's a australia? is dat da big iland by canada?


    OBAMA 2008 Y'ALL!


  4. americans dont even know where their own country is, let alone australia

  5. of course i do, i live there, daaaaaa!

    ozi ozi ozi

    oi oi oi!

  6. Is this for real? They should buy an atlas, that's pretty sad. So your sister is originally from here and doesn't know know where on a map it is, just sad.. that's taught in school in Kindergarten for goodness sake, my 5yr old daughter learnt that last year in 4yr old Kindy...just wow.

    Where's the Aussie pride there?

  7. Let's not forget that our very own ex Prime Minister Paul Keating once described our location as the "@rse end of the world".

    So what can we really expect from foreigners?

    New Jersey ... that's somewhere in Africa, right ; )?

  8. the big big island.

  9. LOL that is funny!

  10. Australia? Thats in the suthern hemisphere isn't it?

    It sounds like a really awesum country.

  11. The CONTINENT/ISLAND/COUNTRY/UGLY ACCENT country. Under china or something like that

  12. This is not unusual, as most Americans I have met are so self centred and nieve. Wasn't there a show recently where a lot of Americans didn't even know where Washington DC was?

    Most of them confuse Australia with Austria and think Iraq is closer to the USA than East Timor as well.

    You wonder where the intelligent ones migrate from to the USA.

  13. MEEE ME me ME ME

    its the LAND dOWN UNdER!!

  14. I live in Australia.

    I don't know where America is, which is pretty ironic :\

    Actually I do, and ima move there when i'm old enough!

    I've always wanted to go to Alabama (Dont ask why), New Jersey, Malibu, California and Chicago.


  15. Yeah, well some of them don't own maps (remember that comment?  Ha!)

  16. I love Norma's Answer - lol

    I am pretty sure I know where it is.

    *looks out window*

    There it is. :D

  17. hahaha!! i also moved from south africa to california and they constantly ask me which highway to take to africa!! in class and so they only have a map of the u.s. and not the whole world!! they think america IS the world!! they're super ignorant!!



  19. yeah - i live there :D

    oh great! now I have that song from 'Men at Work' stuck in my head - you know? - this one :

    "Do you come from the land down-under? where woman grow and men plunder? can't you hear can't you hear that thunder? you better run you better take cover"


  20. i live in Australia!!! GO AUSSIE!!!

  21. im from australia

  22. Southern Hemisphere. Next to New Zealand.  

  23. i am not totally sure but i think it a slice of heaven,and just a little west of the too main islands(that is for my kiwi mates)

  24. There seems to be a lot of that going around over there.  They apparently can't find their own country on an unmarked map of the world (because a lot of them don't have maps.....)  Is your sister's friend Miss Teen South Carolina by any chance?  Try blowing up a light-coloured balloon and draw  a picture of Australia and the U.S. on it.  Don't confuse them with any more than two countries.

    I wouldn't waste any money buying them an expensive globe of the world right away.  If they like the balloon globe, then consider the real thing for Christmas. (See if you can get one where the countries light up...that might capture their attention.)

    Good luck.

  25. It's the biggest island you can find on the map!!

  26. soo true.

    I lived in Canada for a year (love the canucks) and i would regularly get asked where i learnt my english! eh?

    Also ALOT of people think we are in Europe. Nope that is Austria.

  27. you are joking right. even i know where Australia is on the map and i  live in Australia. is the big island on the map

  28. well lets not hate on americans!

    we are awesome!

    i happened to know where every continent is on the map, and pretty much the general area of every country.

    but its true americans dont really know their own history and other countries history, thats sad because its good to be informed on all news/history.

  29. That is ridiculous.

    People are just sad individuals.

    My mom was actually born in Germany, grew up in Austrailia, near Melborn in army barracks and moved to the states when she was 22.  So I for sure know where it is, but seriously, this is like 2nd grade history.  You LEARN this in SCHOOL.

  30. well right now im on the east coast of it using my laptop to answer this question! australia is inbetween the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean and is under indonesia and next to newzealand!!

    oh and xxkalamixx shut up!!! we dont have ugly accents and whose to say your accent is sooooo great theres not just one proper accent you know no normal one!!!

  31. All I know is its beneath my feet, I tread on its soil everyday.

    It is down to the bottom right on a world picture/globe, isn't it?

    I agree with pffft! What is New Jersey anyhow? Is it a modified cow, a footy jumper or a place?

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