
Who actually reads this and acts on the answers they are given ???

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Who actually reads this and acts on the answers they are given ???




  1. well you have to have at least a small amount of common sense to ask questions on here because it takes some common sense to weed through the c**p answers and get to the good ones. I have seen some good questions and some good answers and  have seen some ridiculous questions and some ridiculous answers.

  2. well, alot of ppl are REALLY rude and dont care. and it matters if the person who answered the question finds the RIGHT answer.

  3. I actually got on when I was having a miscarriage and I felt like something was not right. Everyone told me to go to the ER, and I ended up being taken to the hospital by ambulance with a blood pressure of 80 over 50. I may have gone without getting answers on here but the people who answered made my decision easier.

  4. I do, I needall the help I can get.

  5. Not I, since I asked about how to deal with my 11 year old and was told to stop worrying about my cats and deal with my kids, and to beat him or throw him off a bridge!

    It did help me get a wine stain out of my carpet though.

  6. Ummm...Y!A answers helped me choose a new saute pan.  I'm happy with my purchase, so...Me!

  7. well when i was having problems with my car the answers that i got were dead on!  so you can say that i do...

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