
Who agrees that dissections of rats are morally wrong?

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They are bred specifically for the purpose- although I don't lean towards dissections of fish or sheep hearts, they are at least bought from a butchers.




  1. its sad but we sometimes have to do things like that to help with the big picture of life!  When you look at the big picture killing rats is pretty low on the list don't you think...

  2. Well, as a human you cannot stop this from happening but you personally have the choice of deciding if it is wrong or not, but whatever you decide it makes no difference.

    Confused? :) lol

  3. It doesn't look as if you have much support. I'm even going to challenge one of your assumptions, that they are bred for the purpose. Many are the leftovers from experimentation. they cannot be re-used that way and so are sold for dissection. Is that all that different from being bought from a butcher?

  4. Exactly what is your problem with this?

  5. If u go by Darwin's theory, theres nothing wrong in it!

  6. I do not believe in any animal dissection.   And the argument that they are 'bred' to be used in scientific experiments certainly does not make it morally or ethically right.  All sentient creatures have feelings.  Animals suffer from pain and fear just as much as you do.  

    There are other, more humane, methods of conducting scientific research without involving the killing of innocent animals.  Do not be naive to assume that rats are the only animals which are used in experiments.  Dogs, cats, chimpanzees, monkeys, and many others are used in a number of cruel ways, too.

  7. Well if one gets in my room, I have no objection to killing it.

  8. No of course not.  If a rat can advance human knowledge, then cut it up.

  9. look at it this way if u saw a rat running around in ur house u would probally kill it wouldnt u        well rats can reproduce very quickly and they pass diesese (how ever u spell it) very quickly too         and to top it all off most rats dont live long and rats can educate the human brain if u learn stuff from there organs and stuff           kinda like a mini person

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