
Who agrees that for 90 minutes?

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we can all act a little bigoted...i admit i say things i wouldn't normally..does any one else admit to it..and what is the bloody reason we do it.....honest answers...:-)




  1. 90 min biggot,maybe to strong a word,bampot yes

  2. I say things in ager and of the spur of the moment but only at the television in my own home i wouldn't do it in public or anything

  3. Because yous are more brainwashed than the Catholics... trouble is yous people don't even know it!.. bitter sweet bluenose.

  4. I am quite placid but get me watching the beautiful game and I am evil! I shout, swear and my fella (who hates football - the shame!!) is quite scared of me!! lol x

  5. I can have a bit of banter and often do, and sing Celtic songs but try to steer away from the heavy stuff because I would be singing about things which do not affect me or my love of football.

    I do admit that when I was younger and didn't know any better I sang along in the Jungle, but not for 90 mins ad not recently although I have been heard to swear a lot !

    But football is a passionate thing.

  6. I put my hands up to that one,when my husband went to his first old firm match with me he said I scared him because of the way I was lol

    I wish I could tell you the reason why but this hatred of celtic just rises to the surface that is dormant throughout every other game apart from old firm matches.I am fine before the match and even afterwards but as you said during those 90 mins I am a different person but then again aren't most old firm fans exactly the same.

    Any fan of any club when they are playing their biggest rivals is no different.

    It's bizarre really because at any other time I just don't like celtic,plain and simple but during an old firm match I actually do hate them.

    Gemma you still have to change your name as I said before that was part of the deal.Have you seen poor Chas he has to be blue with rangers spl champs,so we are letting you off lightly with having Davie Cooper as your avatar.

  7. Yea, this sports gets most fans emotionally than any other sports.

    If you check what happens around the world of soccer you see fans fighting, insulting and sometimes killing one another just because of the love of the sport.

  8. just at my brother bluebell like my new avatar was looking for broxi but will settle for davie cooper one week was it chas said

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