
Who agrees that the PS3 is the best?

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I just bought one and its way better than a 360, i know from experience. So who agrees its way better?




  1. I agree its better than the wii for sure because the wii has bad graphics and is only good for party games or games for little kids. The 360 has good games like halo, but i think the PS3 is the best now because of the games. The games are for teen-mature and those are the best games for teens and adults. The PS3 sucked because it was expensive and did not have good games, but know i think its the best because of the cool fun games that came out and that are about to come

  2. ps3 and no its not too powerfull farmer guy ive played xbox 360 too and the ps3 is way better but xbox has halo and thats about it

  3. in terms of hardware sony has set itself up for disaster. the ps3 was made too powerful... there is almost nothing to improve on (at least not enough for me to buy a ps4)... in terms of game quantity and quality the 360 wins (i bought the 360 solely for halo 3)... it was just a bonus that now microsoft is coming out with all these great exclusive games      

  4. Why do people say the Xbox 360 only has Halo 3, they clearly haven't played the system when they say that, that's like saying the PS3 only has MGS4, the 360 has by far the biggest games library of this generation so far, some good, some not so good, just like the PS3 has its good games

    I dont agree, i say both xbox 360 & ps3 are both good, whats the point in saying ones better than the other (pointless) both have thier own fanbase that continually say ones better than the other

  5. why spend money on a playstation 3 when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they'll send you one - at no charge!

  6. to tell you the truth i think that the 360,and the ps3 are good for hardcore games and the wii for casual so i think that all three are pretty good trust me i have all three

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