
Who agrees that this story shows a severe form of the socialism we'll get under Obama?

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  1. Sounds like the Gospel Truth about a Muslim, Communist, Socialist, Liberal etc.

    When Castro took over Cuba the peasant farmers and business owners who resisted giving up their property were all killed, while their families forced to watch.

    It was Obama's hero, Che Guevara that signed the death warrants, and gleefully watched the executions.

    Their are a lot of stone walls here in the USA!

  2. you'll get about as much socialism from obama as muslim religion. sadly you are probably ignorant to think the second one is very prevalent in him too.

  3. The Federal Reserve and fractional reserve lending are our economic enemies.  I don't believe in socializing any public service.  Capitalistic value better serve the purpose in that sector, however in lobbying, media advertising power and legislative power capitalism creates an unfair balance.  In order to restore economic balance we must work hard enough or long enough to repay the damage done to our our resource supplies and reduce population increase or find a way to reduce our environmental and economic footprints.

  4. Yes it is a good example of his positions.

  5. No. FAKE story, lacking facts.

  6. This article has the wrong idea of what socialism is. It's not redistribution of income.  It's collective ownership.  Sarah Palin administers the most socialistic program in America:  EVERYBODY in Alaska gets a piece of the oil money!

  7. I don't see 'change' in the status quo as being a form of SOCIALISM.

    Or would you prefer that we continue the same ignorance and incompetence that McCain will promise to deliver once elected as President?

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