
Who agrees this is a great example of Governor Sarah Palin's experience?

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  1. Great article.  My respect for her goes up every day.

  2. I agree with that article. She is a breath of fresh air, and will be a great VP!

  3. I agree. Thanks for the link! Star for you.

  4. That's not bad considering she once governs  atown whose population is twice my high school.

  5. It's simply refreshing to see an article looking at her public service record rather than family matters.

    Without a record, perhaps private affairs might matter more. But her record speaks for itself, and attacking private affairs at this point is meant to distract from what she can provide: tangible hope instead of a speech about hope.

  6. Hardly, it is very vague and is obviously a political opinion article.

  7. No one wants to focus on that article (which yes I agree is wonderful)

    no...they want to point out that she has a teen pregnant daughter and that her husband got a dui two decades ago. UMM dont things like this make people human?

    the dems make me sick

  8. It's a great spin by the Rupert Murdoch-owned WSJ, yes.

  9. Palin has experience running a small town and a state that has a population that is smaller than Barack Obama's campaign. Barack manages more employees in his campaign than Palin manages as governer. She has never lived outside of Alaska and has no experience with foreign policy or national legislative issues. Alaska is very different than most of the states in the U.S.

    So, in my mind even just in his campaign he has more executive experience and has managed more money than Palin has as governer. And might I add, Barack has had to use creativity to find ways to raise a large amount of money from small donors, where in AK a large part of their budget is given to them by Oil. And that's on TOP of his 7 years as a state Senator and 2 years as U.S. Senator. And we haven't even discussed at all his huge accomplishments as a community organizer, law student, and very successful constitutional law professor.

    This is no contest. McCain NEEDS to spin this in order to have a minute fighting chance and that's exactly what they are doing.  

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