
Who agrees with Adam Glennon's debate over cinema prices?

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I do. It's ridiculously over-priced at my local Empire cinema.




  1. I do , no wonder they are losing to dvds sales etc.

  2. I do. Was this the guy that got kicked out for eating his own sweets?

    I went to my local Odeon last week and my friend bought ONE piece of fudge for twenty pence! It's disgusting - daylight robbery!

  3. do you have a link

    yes, the prices are over the top and are a rip off, he has a point

  4. i'd rather wait for the film to come out on dvd.. and munch my popcorn.. without disturbing anyone.. and i think what they charge is way overpriced.. especially for young families..

  5. Fair play to him - what a rip off - charging over the top prices for something you can get down the road for half the price. It's about time someone stood up to these people!

  6. I agree the prices are ridiculous, but as the manager's said, the terms and conditions of entry say that only food and drink bought on the premises may be consumed. Perhaps if he'd been a bit more discreet, he'd have been allowed in.  

    You wouldn't take your own wine into a restaurant.

    Edit: I checked the story again, lucky he got thrown out, imagine the noise and the film's rubbish! Two of them with 8 packs of M&Ms a multi-pack of crisps and sweets, if it had been a family of 4, I'd have some sympathy, but 2 of them.

  7. Yeah I think they are ridiculously over priced. It's over £5 at my local one. I don't bother going anymore.

  8. 100 %, the prices of food in cinemas are extortionate.

  9. Yes they are ridiculously over-priced , that's why so many download films and who can blame them.

  10. I am in complete agreement with the man, the entrance prices are ridiculous, add on top the cost of drinks etc, it then becomes practically too expensive for the average family to have an afternoon/evening out at the cinema. On a news programme tonight, they bought a selection of drinks, ices, popcorn and sweets from a cinema; they then bought exactly the same from a supermarket, the cinema articles came out at more than twice the price of the supermarket. The cinema has you over a barrel, "either buy from us, or do without !". Legalised extortion springs to mind !

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