
Who agrees with me that driving while using a mobile phone is quite safe if you pay attention?

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And all this nonsense about it being dangerous is just that - nonsense.

I've used a mobile phone while driving for years, and continue to do so. And as long as I am sensible and keep a good stopping distance and not drive excessively fast then there is no better way to drive.

I have never had an accident in 15 years of driving, and no near misses - certainly not from using a mobile phone driving.




  1. No, I KNOW it is unsafe. But I do it anyway...

  2. off all the stupidest things this has to take the biscuit just because you have been lucky not to of had an accident in a few years there is always a first time and to think its safe is a foolhardy thing Ive seen the result off people talking on the phone as i work on the motorway one off the worst was a lorry driver on the phone rammed into a car stuck in slow moving traffic rammed in under the lorry in front and squashed it flat the lorry was carrying acid and it split open and leaked all over the people in the car needless to ay they where dead the motorway was shut for nearly a day causing untold misery to thousands off motorists and all the driver said was sorry i had an important call from my boss

    he got five years in prison and a family lost there parents should off  got life if you ask me

    so don't be so stupid don't use your phone while driving its very dangerous and could cost you or someone else there life

  3. So, just as long as your loaded in order to pay the fines, then carry on doing exactly that.

    Otherwise, obey the law numpty. or get a hands free kit.

  4. if you are a skilled driver than it is okay, but if your 16, 17 years old than NO!

  5. I disagree strongly, I drive the road too much and see how it effects the people using them, they pay no attention to what they are doing and drive in the fast lane on the turnpike and are doing 55 mph and won't move over and it makes people mad and they take chances to get around them, anybody using the phone and driving should be arrested and punished to the max!

  6. I do not agree with you.  Anything that diverts your attention from driving is not safe, and it is hard for humans to concentrate on two things at once.  Why else do you turn down your radio when you look for address and street names? All it takes is one second of distraction at the wrong time... Arizona driver's ed instructor and traffic school instructor for over 5 years...

  7. Yes, there's no problem there. The trouble is, too many people concentrate on the phone and not on the road, and end up having accidents. So you and I have to pay the price.

    Anyone who has spoken to me on the phone while I'm driving (using a hands-free, of course) will tell you that my voice keeps trailing's because the driving gets the attention, not the phone call.

    Holding the phone in your hand isn't a good idea, though - I think the lawmakers have got it about right.

  8. You may be an exception, but it is not safe.  I am looking forward to when every state outlaws the use of cell phones in vehicles.  Go hands free at a minimum.

  9. Not me

  10. It's deadly and is as bad as drugs or alchohol.

  11. So far you have been fortunate and not killed anyone.

    How would you feel if a child ran in front of your car as you looked down at your phone? Could you live with having killed a little child?

  12. Far worse I think are the multi function controls on the cars themselves. You know the ones where you push a button and it controls the heat, push it again and it controls the sat nav, push it again and its the radio. It is impossible to do any of these settings without looking at the various menu screens which keep appearing.

  13. So you're careful are you?  Funny how everybody says that right up to the moment when they run somebody down!  You should hook up with those morons who think it's OK to ride their bicycles on the footpath because they "go slowly".  None of them seem to know how fast they can go before they break an old lady's hip so how would you know which of your idiotic phone calls will be fatal to some poor sod who made the mistake of thinking you were driving with due care and attention?  We went through all this when they introduced the breathalyzer: the world was full of alphas who thought they could drink six pints more than the next man and still be able to drive home!

  14. hmmm.

    my brother texts while he drives, he's twenty eight.

    it's really creepy though, haha.

    he's never watching the road.


    he's a california driver soo he drives really crazy anyway=]


  15. I don't agree. Your attention is still on an extra thing so your full attention is not on the road. I've nearly been hit by people on their mobile phones, who think they can drive fine. Why can't you just get a hands free? Is it really worth the risk of killing someone just because you think you can drive fine?

  16. I do. There ARE a few of us who can chew gum and walk backwards at the same time (and use the phone safely)

  17. Its not safe an in most states it against the law so hang up an drive

  18. I sometime use my mobile phone while I drive my bike. But I know that if I get a problem, even if I paid attention, I would consider me as the one who commit the mistake.

  19. Accident waiting to happen springs to mind

  20. Lucky accidents in 15 years. Driving needs your undivided attention. Both hands need to be available for an emergency reaction. It is against the law in some places.

  21. It is not the using of the phone that thats dangerous it is typing and reading text messages whilst driving

  22. to be fair you have a point... i dont get how they can go crazy abt talkin on the phone...of course it distracts u, but so does loud music, other idiotic drivers and old grannies wearing crazy outfits walking down the road!!!wot r they goin to do ban those aswell?? i guess its not what your doing in your car but how well u can do those things and still drive safely, and from what ur saying u still do?!?! people are crazy, in england u get 2 yrs for talking on a phone...even tho the prisons are full so convicted rapists are let out to make space ...logical?!

  23. YOU might think that you drive fine. Guess again.

  24. When you do have your accident whilst paying attention to your phone and not traffic, just make sure it with something like a concrete pillar and not another innocent motorist.

    I expect you asked this question tongue in cheek to get a reaction, if you certainly believe that what you say is true - even though it goes against lots of research, then i am afraid i must point out to you that you are a moron!

  25. It's not safe.  People have died because of that.

  26. Simply said, you're a hazard on the highway.  I see idiots like you all the time on the road and if you ever run into me while you're on the phone, you'll be amazed how pissed I'll be when I get a hold of you when we pull over.

  27. If ur careful...but, I've never had an accident and I've been driving twice as long as you. I get real tired of getting nearly t-boned cuz an idiot is busy talking..not paying attention. If you have a non-hand held devise it's cool.

  28. I disagree with you.

    Has it occured to you that you've been lucky to avoid accidents because someone else has been alert enough to avoid you when you "wobble"?

    YOU may think that you know better than the authorities and consider yourself to be "safe", but what about "the other guy"?

    Your argument could also be extended to "I know when I've had enough to drink" or "I know what is the best speed to drive at". Where would you stop extending it?

    You only have to look at the idiots driving sometimes to wonder how they manage to stay alive. I bet all of them will say that "they are safe".  I often see young drivers (mainly female as it happens) using a phone whilst negotiating complex junctions and roundabouts. There is no way that this is safe.


    Your comment about texting "that's why I don't like doing it" clearly indicates that you DO actually text whilst driving. Now I know that you are really a selfish and arrogant and potentially dangerous person. What is the rest of your driving like? Do you break speed limits? Drive on the Right? Park on pavements or in disabled bays? The fact that you are boasting about breaking the Law is quite worrying.

  29. Many mobile phone users like you will tend to agree. Casual conversations look harmless and less distracting but when decisions are involved during the course of the conversation, your attention on the road will be divided. It is during this time when your reaction to accident evading maneuvers is hampered.

  30. You probably also think you are "quite safe if you pay attention", even when you had a few drinks, don't you...??

  31. Yes, there are drivers who can safely operate a cell phone and drive a vehicle, the problem is with the majority who cannot do both. So because of the few who get distracted while driving and not paying attention to the road the new law are created.  There were too many accidents caused by distracted drivers where cell phones/PDAs were the primary reason. If there were no accidents there would be no need for laws banning cell phones.

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