
Who agrees with my theory on gas prices?

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I read an article in the San Diego Union Tribune not to long ago which stated that experts say that gas prices may reach from $12-$15 by 2013. Though first I looked at this negatively, I later made a theory: When gas prices get too high, people will start walking and bicycling more as a form of transport, therefore making a healthier America. As well, more cars will be taken off the road, helping the global warming problem very slightly. Also, less people buying gas would mean more gas too spare in the end, causeing prices to go down. Do you agree or disagree?




  1. Disagree. I think poor people internationally will start revolting if prices get that high. Oh, and $6/gal is basically enough to cause world economic collapse if you compare the pump prices with NYMEX at the same time.

  2. Well, you point out a very interesting point. Although this is a great idea, not many people would be willing to actually go through with it. But I totally agree it's a great idea!

  3. The only problem is that China & India are coming online and are now purchasing more vehicles than the U.S. is.  For every driver that the U.S. does not have, 2 more will appear with the need for fuel.

    And keep the myth of Global Warming out of this question.  It has no place.

  4. dam you probably just opened americans eyes up[!!!!!!!!!!!

    i agree 110% with your theory hopeful it becomes a reality

  5. Yes this is a good theory but not a practical theory for those who are in cities whom don't have the luxury of be able to walk to work ,school or shopping for basic necessaries within  walking distance. Like Texas for instance.However it is a good thought that if we could walk to work or school  we would save a lot of gas and cause the prices to drop because we aren't using it. The truth of the matter is we need an new alternative source like water or solar or even wind. Some bold inventor are posted on the Internet, but consumer must take the power in their own hands and seek for the answer for themselves. Hopefully we can come up with some new technology to turn the clock around for the America people. If not we are at an disadvantage for growth. Let's Go Green , Check out website www.gloebs for the next big trend in training for solar and wind uses. Individuals need an independent source, maybe using water in you tank or natural gas to beat soaring energy cost and dependence on fossil fuels would not be a bad idea.   Any help from individuals, homeowners, business and other who are interested making a change would be greatly appreciated.So pass the web information around. we invite comments, and input by email like your ideas. Thanks for the theory.  I agree this could be a good solution. Fajr a

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