
Who agrees with these quotes from Woody Allen why or whynot?

by Guest60006  |  earlier

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"Intellectuals have proven to the world that you can have all this brilliance and still have absoutely no idea of whats going on."?

Woody Allen to Diane Keaton "Annie Hall"

"The brain is an over-rated organ; anything of real value cannot be understood by the mind it has to enter you through other openings..........please excuse the graphic"..............Woody Allen to Diane Keaton "Manhattan"




  1. The first quote is a grave generalization that is based on nothing.

    The second is a typical, old, tired, repetitive and highly predictable Woody Allen s*x joke.

    At this point, I have to agree with the two ladies above me -  Allen is little more than a hurtful, tired, little old pervert with a little woody.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  2. okay let me put it this way, I have some woody Allen quotes of my own to share.

    "Don't knock masturbation - it's s*x with someone I truly love"

    "Having s*x is like plying bridge. If you don't have a good partner you better have a good hand"

    "s*x without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go it's pretty d**n good"

    so anyways...

  3. woody allen is a disgusting child molester.

  4. i really dislike Woody Allen. He married his adopted daughter that is gross blood related or not. He seems like a pervert all he talks about is s*x.

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