
Who am I???????????????

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My whole entire life is a lie, I don't know who I am ,every since Kindergarten I faked my likes & dislikes,personality, interests, & now I'm 12 years old & I don't no who I am , school hasn't started & I wanna go to school as myself , I'm a loner cause I don't wanna get lost again!

How can I find out my true i identity???




  1. Just make friends with people who are similar to you and they should help you understand yourself.

  2. First, you need to stop lying to others about who you are.  The more time you spend following others' interests, the more convincing you have to do for yourself to feel normal.  There must be some things that you genuinely like and others that you genuinely dislike.  Embrace those and be honest about your feelings.  

    Expression of those small things will lead you to other people who share your interests.  Once you make true connections with other people, they will show you new activities or areas of life that you are more likely to enjoy.  

    If you enjoy writing, I would suggest keeping a journal.  Writing about your thoughts and experiences can help you discover a theme that fits who you are.

  3. You already know who you just have to get past the lies that you've told in the past.  Apparently, you were being who you thought others wanted you to be and you lost yourself in the process.  But it appears that you have taken the first step and regaining your true identify by realizing that you have been faking who you are.  So, go to school and be you.  Be the person you really are because the more time you let past, the harder it will get to be that person.  Be true to you and your life will change drastically for the better.  It is definitely harder trying to be someone you're not rather than being the person you were born to be.  Best wishes.

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