
Who am i,My SAT score at college was 1590. ?

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My SAT score at college was 1590. The top score for the test is 1600.

My company first went public on my 30th birthday.

I was selected along with his my wife Melinda and U2's Bono as Time magazine's "Persons of the Year" for 2005.

I told my university teachers I'd be a millionaire by 30. I became a billionaire at 31!

I earn $250 every second!

In 2002, I was considered more idolized than Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-Tung in a poll of teenagers in Hong Kong and China.

In 2005 I was honored with the title Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire by the Queen of England.

I am the current owner of the Codex Leicester - a 72 page collection of Leonardo da Vinci's scientific writings on water properties, astronomy and fossils.




  1. Bill Gates?

    That Melinda bit gave it away

  2. Bill Gates.  

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