
Who among you loves italy?

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Italian cuisine, Italian art, the Italian people etc. .. etc. ..




  1. i love italy

    ps. i'm italian

  2. I love Tuscany, Beautiful country. If I am a super rich dude. I will Buy land out there and live there most of the time. The food KICKS ***! People are friendly. Stay away from tourist traps. Rent a car. Drive around till you find something cool.

  3. Venice is GORGEOUS. Rome is AWESOME. Italian Ice(Gilato) is soooo much better than american ice cream if only they imported it to america. The guys there are super hot too and a lot of people walk everywhere like on the islands of venice and places like that and i was in italy the year they won the futball(or soccar as we wierd americans call it) world cup and i was in rome. Everybody was out on the streets drinking and celebrating it was awesome. Also, the Murano glass factory was pretty cool.the language is beautiful as well and the best part?

    Prosciutto ham. i know, sounds wierd but i had had it before in america but OH MY GOD Italian Prosciutto is sooooo much thinner and better.

    Italian chocolates too. *TO DIE FOR*

    Let's not forget LAMBORGHINIS *WOOHOO* lol italy is home to soo many great things anyone who doesnt love it is just hatin cuz their country isnt cool like that lol

  4. Io amo L'Italia!!

    It has everything: history, cultural sites, beautiful cities, excellent gastronomy, beautiful and very friendly people, nature, beaches, mountains, sanctuaries and holy sites, good musicians and singers, beautiful language and accent!!! EVERYTHING!!!

    Regards from Spagna

  5. i'm italian, from turin..

    wauw, it's nice hearing that so many people love italy..eheh grazie!!!


  6. I love italy, italian food and the language! i dont know what it is thats so attractive about it but i am in love with it all. As a matter of fact i will be there this summer again and i cant wait!

  7. WELL


    IM Italian

    SO I"M BIG fan to ITALIA

    FOOD , ART . NATURE , ,,,,, etc

  8. The food is good, but it is not a good place to live, it is very primitive compared to the us.

  9. I AM.  I love everythinggg about Italy.  I went there last summer and now I am trying to pick up the language.  The people were just so... laid back.  What's there NOT to love??

  10. I cant keep away from Italy! I go there every six months and when I come back I get depressed for at least one month because I have to come here. I love and miss everything about Italia. Favorite place Bologna!

    I even named my dog Luca.. Had to give him an italian name and now taking him with me to Sorrento in 3 weeks.

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