
Who and what is this about? Crank calls.?

by  |  earlier

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I keep getting calls from this phone number (415) 366-9001. They even call after 8 pm. They don't say anything when I pick up the phone. I tried to call it back and it was disconnected yet I get the same call from the same number still.




  1. wow. well that was nice of you to put their number on the internet!! I geuss you got em back now!! They are probably just some stalkers of yours with no lives!

  2. i called the number and got an answer, it says its a tele service bureu that calls on behalf of store credit cards and national banks. sounds like a collection agency

  3. some phone number are designed for out going calls only so if you try to call them back they are listed as either disconected or a message that they do not recieive calls, call you local phone company and file a complaint

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