
Who and why created they the country Belgium?

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It is not what you will read in the official history. Think about your answer twice.




  1. Belgium is an artificial creation, dating back to 1830. It straddles the cultural boundary between Germanic and Latin Europe. Belgium's political fault lines are linguistic and follow the forced marriage of Dutch-speaking Flanders in the north and the Francophone southern region of Wallonia. Belgium came into being in 1830 after a Brussels uprising by French-speaking Walloons angry at their treatment by the Dutch-dominated United Kingdom of the Netherlands . A government and monarchy were created and, for over 130 years, Belgium's single official language was French – with the Dutch of its Flemish majority excluded from official life and the state bureaucracy. Flemings were not to receive an official Dutch version of the Belgian constitution until 1967. Added to the mess were the kings imposed by the creators. With the exception of King Albert I, who led his country into battle during the First World War and who died in a mountaineering accident in the early 1920’s Belgium has not been blessed with monarchs rising to the intelligence or moral level of at least a garden slug.  

  2. I am not sure if you intended to get this answer, but that's what I assumed after reading your question over and over, so here it goes:

    I have heard there are some people who believe in certain conspiracy theories in which (in a nutshell) they describe Belgium as a "cover-up country" to protect those members of the "Illuminati". They also say Belgian citizens are victims of a vast conspiracy.

  3. Politically:

    The Duke of Wellington.

    A buffer zone between France and Germany.

    With the stroke of a pen.



    As an applied case study in Surrealism.

    With a fish.

  4. actually, I think you need to think twice about your question...I don't undestand it, because it isn't worded as a correct question.

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