
Who appointed Robert Zoellick as President of WorldBank?

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Between that and the missle defense in Poland I'm thinking someone actually wanted a war with Russia.




  1. I say this. that is what the right wing is doing trying to start war for 2 reasons. the first being that it wants to ruin things incase obama wins it wants to spend his first 4 years spewing that old c**p..see we told you (when in fact the started all this). second they want to keep it going incase mccain wins so they can do the same old scare tactics telling you moscow is out to get you.

    but they NEVER point out who fired on who first in all this

    for the record it was Georgia who fired on Russia.

    and being as i'm from the region i'll take my opinion over anyone elses.

  2. Every single head of the World Bank in history has been an American national.  

    Now, given that the US has the most votes in the World Bank (its not a 1 country 1 vote organization: who has more "shares" has more votes), who do you think appointed him as president?

  3. President George W. Bush nominated Zoellick on May 30, 2007 to replace Paul Wolfowitz as President of the World Bank. Zoellick was approved by the World Bank's executive board. That's the straight answer.

    As for who wants a war with Russia, that could be Randy Scheunemann, an adviser to John McCain. Read Pat Buchanan's opinion on this subject:

  4. How so....?

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