
Who are better liars? Democrats or Republicans.?

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Don't you love it when politicians start calling each other liars. It's like the cats calling the kettle black. Politicians make their careers out of lying and when they start accusing the other of lying they are just confirming that they are total hypocrites. That's why politics is such a complete joke and the people who believe it complete idiots.




  1. Democrats.  

  2. All politicians lie in equal amounts. If I were you, I'd head for China soon.

  3. Republicans especially on the economy. In general, the economy does much better under Dems than Reps.



    1. D FDR (40'-44') 74.69   

    2. D FDR (32'-36') 34.63   

    3. D LBJ (64'-68') 21.81   

    4. D TRUMAN (48'-52') 21.00   

    5. D JFK (60'-64') 19.86   

    6. D FDR (36'-40') 19.33   

    7. D CLINTON (96'-00') 17.87   

    8. R REAGAN (84'-88') 15.98   

    9. D CARTER (76'-80') 13.67   

    10. D CLINTON (92'-96') 13.53   

    11. R IKE(52'-56') 13.45   

    12. R REAGAN (80'-84') 12.63   

    13. R NIXON (68'-72') 12.38   

    14. R IKE (56'-60') 10.91   

    15. R FORD (72'-76') 10.62   

    16. R BUSH SR (88'-92') 8.81   

    17. R BUSH JR (00'-04') 8.75   

    18. R BUSH JR (04'-07') 8.35   

    19. D TRUMAN (44'-48') -9.04   

    20. R HOOVER (29'-32') -25.60


    1996, 8,328.90 inflation adjusted billions of dollars

    2000, 9,817.00 inflation adjusted billions of dollars

    PERCENT CHANGE = (9817.0/8328.9 - 1.0)*100.0 = 17.87%



    FDR (40'-44')  86.26   

    TRUMAN (44'-48') 0.82 --- Dems take over congress

    TRUMAN (48'-52')-24.49   

    IKE (52'-56') -14.13   

    IKE (56'-60') -12.07   

    JFK (60'-64') -11.94   

    LBJ (64'-68') -13.97   

    NIXON (68'-72') -12.94   

    FORD (72'-76') -2.16   

    CARTER (76'-80') -8.01   

    REAGAN (80'-84') 22.22   --- Reagan takes white house

    REAGAN (84'-88') 27.52   

    BUSH SR (88'-92') 23.51   

    CLINTON (92'-96') 4.99 --- Clinton in WH. Reps take congress  

    CLINTON (96'-00') -13.82

    BUSH JR (00'-04') 10.34  --- Bush takes WH.

    BUSH JR (04'-08') 5.47


    2004 = 64.0

    2008 = 67.5

    Percent Change = (67.5/64.0-1)*100 = 5.47




    1. D FDR (41-45) 21.53

    2. D LBJ (65-69) 16.54

    3. D FDR (39-41) 15.23

    4. D CARTER (77-81) 12.81

    5. D TRU(49-53) 12.24

    6. R REAGAN (85-89) 11.19

    7. D JFK/LBJ (61-65) 10.99

    8. D CLINTON (93-97) 10.49

    9. D CLINTON (97-01) 9.27

    10. R NIX (69-73) 8.90

    11. R FORD/NIX (73-77) 6.71

    12. D TRU(45-49) 6.62

    13. R REAGAN (81-85) 5.85

    14. R IKE(53-57) 5.47

    15. R BUSH JR(05-08) 4.17

    16. R BUSH SR (89-93) 2.42

    17. R IKE(57-61) 1.50

    18. R BUSH JR (01-05) 0.01


    Jan 1941: 34480

    Jan 1945: 41903

    Percent Change = (41903/34480 - 1.0)*100.0 = 21.53%


    Go to "More Formatting Options" and then select "Table Format", *"Original Data Value", "Specify year range", and "Select one time period: January". Finally, click "Retrieve Data"

  4. look  at  bush  that  should  answer  that  question  for  you.

  5. Republicans lie all the time, but they aren't very good at it.  They say Obama is a Muslim, a radical Christian, a Communist, a Socialist, a terrorist, and an elitist.  Well you just can't be all of those things.  I even saw a stupid accusation that looked like it had been lifted from the witch trials.  They want him to answer for anything anyone he has ever seen said or did.  They lied and said he wasn't born in the US.  He produced his birth certificate, and they said it was fake, when McCain really wasn't born in the US.  Now we can all see that if they had anything real against Obama, they wouldn't be making up all this silliness.  He has been scrutinized in a manner I have never seen before and is clean as a boy scout.  Democrats don't have to lie and avoid the issues, because we can say that Bush is the most unpopular president in history and McCain voted with him 90% of the time.  McCain has a legendary temper, and many wonder whether he should have his finger on the button.  McCain wants a policy of endless war and to reinstate the draft, so we have plenty of cannon fodder.  McCain has no problem with giving companies tax breaks to outsource American jobs.  He wants to keep Bush's tax breaks for the richest people in the country.  He voted to renew the Patriot Act, so the government could continue to spy on us.  He thinks the economy is fine.  He was against the GI Bill, but says POW every chance he gets.  He wants to privatize Social Security.  He wants taxpayers to  provide health insurance for politicians but not themselves.  He thinks that government should never ever do anything for taxpayers, and if it does, that is a handout, unless you are rich, of course.  He thinks millionaires are members of the middle class.  He is running for president because it is his ambition to be president, not because he wants to be a public servant.  He said that in his memoirs.  He was against torture and is now for it.  He made fun of Obama talking about change and now claims he wants change.  If he does, why hasn't he ever done anything to bring about any change in all the years he has been in office.  He called evangelists agents of intolerance and then courted them, when he decided to run for president.  When they said Katrina and 9/11 were God's judgement, that was OK with him.  Should I go on?  I know who is lying, there is no doubt, whatsoever.  So you believe then that there is no hope, everyone who has ever run for office is a liar?  So is the whole country filled with liars or is it that just politicians are all liars?  I believe that sometimes good people run for office.  John Kerry was one of them, but the right wingers swiftboated him, the gullible listened to them, and we got Bush.  How do you know what Kerry would have done?  So if you believe they are all lying do you think that the people living in dictatorships are just as well off as Americans?  Did you ever hear of dictators who cut off people's heads?  Do you believe that our grand experiment in Democracy is a failure and should be scrapped?  That our founding fathers were just stupid old men?  OK What would you replace it with?  The voters have made some very bad choices.  When things go wrong it is our fault, because we elect the people to govern us.  So if you don't like the way things are, do the research, find out why, and try to change it.  If you don't you don't have any reason to complain.                

  6. Instead of an applause meter, they should have a bs meter.  can you imagine that?  oops off the scale again.  

  7. dems are bigger liars

  8. Democrats lie better.  They're sneaky.  They tell you what you want to hear so you'll vote for them and then they don't deliver.  You want proof?  Bill Clinton lied to America by saying he "did not have sexual relations with that woman".  Well, her dress says differently.

  9. Obama attends a church aginist whites, smokes, and associates with terrorist groups. He claims none is true. It is'nt the party that lies more, but the candidate. Just because someone is a republican doesnt mean their a lier, and vice versa.

  10. Republicans lie better.  


    1. No one talks about McCain's multiple affairs.


       Everyone talks about Clinton's affairs.

    2. Schwarzneggar lied about his groping of women, who remembers--

        he's still governor.


         When Jim McGreevy's affairs came to light he was forced to resign.

    3. Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq--he's

        alright, it's the nation that's sorry.


        John Edwards lied about his affair and it looks as if his political

        career is over.

    Should I go on?  The media are only turning on the Republicans in this election and barely because they liked neither McCain nor Hilary--fearing that they would stand in their path.  Obama surprised them by blazing his own path to the top and now they are beginning to get nervous.  Obama hopes to hold them accountable and make them honest again.


  12. John McCain's actual behavior from October to December 1967 is quite different from the Navy's version of events.

    On October 27, 1967, four days after being shot down, McCain called for a North Vietnamese guard. He told the officer, "O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." -U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 1973 article written by former POW John McCain

    McCain was taken to Gai Lam military hospital. (U.S. government documents) "Demands for military information were accompanied by threats to terminate my medical treatment if I [McCain] did not cooperate. Eventually, I gave them my ship's name and squadron number, and confirmed that my target had been the power plant." Page 193-194, Faith of My Fathers by John McCain

  13. Nader

  14. I think this one arena where the parties truly are identical.

    Oh, and you mean pot calling the kettle black.

  15. Democrats are bigger liars.

  16. The Democrats are better lyers, but Republicans lie a c**p load more....and they keep lying when there is solid evidence against them.

  17. Republicans...cause some how after the past 8 years....they still wanna vote for them.

  18. Repubs, they lied for four years then lied to be able to lie for four more years.....

  19. Republicans. They say they want to extend freedoms to all americans. But they still refuse to give me the right to get married.

  20. Republicans by far

    What have the Republicans sold us on lies so far...

    WMD's in Iraq

    USA Patriot Act

    Compassionate Conservatism

    Victory in Iraq(They later recanted and said we can't go home because we actually didn't win and need to stay there indefinetely)

    Al-Queda in Iraq(they showed up after we went there)

    So they sold us on some major B.S. not to mention all the c**p they probably told on the Campaign trail.

  21. Republicans:  They spread lies, rumor and right wing propaganda.  Smear and fear.  Attack and distract.  Rethuglicans have to lie to win. :P

  22. I think that democrats are better liars. They do it on Yahoo all the time by spreading false rumors about Sarah Palin. That's one reason why even though I was undecided, I picked the Rebublican party. I can't condone a party who thrives on scrutinizing a woman's life rather than looking at her goals for the US.

  23. Democrats do not lie, therefore, republicans are better liars.


  24. Republicans.We  have been waiting 16 years just to get education reform never mind something really important like better wages,jobs,health care.because without those education means nothing to the future,the rich will always have a college degree guarantee the rest of us have to save for it and with what do we have left over to save with I ask you?The economy is bad and getting worse.

  25. Republicans. The RNC just proved it.

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