
Who are better skiers eastern skiers or wester skiers and why?

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  1. I would say west, even if I live in the east. There is more to ski in the west and it's more of a hobby there. I love skiing in the east, but sometimes the same trails get a little boring and easy. However, there may be some amazing skiiers from the east too.

  2. probably western because they have harder mountains and stuff. but there are some really good skiiers in new england. when i skiied in new hampshire, almost everyone looked like a pro. but im pretty sure the snow is different in the west so idk. i guess it depends.

  3. i say the midweat is better for we can get power  and ice and each one you ski different and if you can ski what we have you can anywere

  4. I would say us Westerners are better skiers, only because we have more difficult terrain and longer ski seasons.

  5. I've long held the notion that the best skiers are people who grew up skiing in the east and then moved west, as far as all-around skiers are concerned. My buddies from PA and VT who have moved out west generally tend to be better all-mountain skiers than their local counterparts who grew up out west. I've skied with dozens of these types of people over the years and my best days out west were always with people who moved there from the east.

    Eastern skiers generally know nothing about avalanches and powder. Most western skiers freak when they hit ice (real ice) and aren't as good in the trees. If all you do is ski groomers, then it doesn't matter where you ski. It's all the same at that point.

    Personally, as an eastern skier, I have to say the sickest stuff I've hit in the backcountry has been stuff in northern VT and the 'Dacks. I've done backcountry out west too, and aside from the altitude, I didn't find it nearly as difficult as the backcountry stuff in New England. Thinner cover in the woods and tighter trees always make for a more challenging run. Out west, 50% of the runs I've taken were above tree-line in bowls or off summits..steep, yes...but not much in the way of turning and dodging branches.

    As far as racing and freestyle...go ahead and argue. It's just about the same now. A race course is a race course and a park is a park just about anywhere you go.

  6. I'm midwestern so you can believe my answer won't be biased. I'd have to say that western skiers are the better because they have Colorado, Utah, and California.

  7. I would say that western has the better skiers because it is a hobbie to countries like the US and Canada (and we have lots of snow:)

  8. People who can ski variable conditions usually have no trouble converting to skiing on excellent snow.  People who have only skied excellent snow can struggle in variable conditions.

    Out west anyone can look good, but skiers who learned in the west need to adjust when they go east.

  9. Eastern skiers have better skills for some conditions, such as hard pack and tree trails. Western skiers ski deep snow better, I skied with a dozen skiers from Pa a few years ago, in 2 feet of powder, some real problems for these instructors when they could not see their skiis.  I teach on Snoqualmie 3000 foot base and 4500 summit. When we get fresh snow, it is quite heavy, commonly called Cascade Concrete. It will pack down to hard pack within a day and start to glaze the first night.

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