
Who are currently the top ten Rugby place kickers?

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a) O'Gara (goin 4 da 2 in a row!)

b) Hodgeson (ya right)

c) Henson

d) Montgomary

e) Patterson

f) Carter

or any 1 else you might think of but I don't want to see wilkonson's name he was godd a few years ago but he's always injured.




  1. You're right about 'O Gara anyway.

  2. Well I dont know if you want just international but I'll give you a name or two of guys playing domestic rugby in South Africa who are flawless..

    Derrick Hougaard (Bulls)

    Willem DeWaal (Cheetahs)

    Pity they lack creativity though

    Then in new zealand Luke McAllister (Blues) ain't half bad either and  Mortlock of Australia kicked a stunner to beat S.A earlier this year.

    Otherwise those you've listed are generally the best.

  3. what about andrew mehrtens, and nick evans... mehrts is just one of the best ever, in 2002 he went 13 for 14 (all conversions) against the warathas (yes, in one game), most of them from the sideline, just missing the last off the upright, and evans is a very underated player, i would take montgomery off that list, and henson is iffy, if henson is there, you could also put leon mcdonald on the list, oh yea, what about the french, they have a couple of decent kickers

  4. ROG

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