
Who are guy grossi's inspirations? and where has he worked during his life before fiorentinos?

by  |  earlier

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plz as much detail as you can this is for my uni assighnment also if you know where his studied as well though would be great thnx!!!




  1. okay, two things../

    1) this is your assignment, so you should be DOING it, not asking other people to cheat for you.

    2)  Who is Guy Grossi?  Is he Royalty?  NO?   Well, Wrong category.

    No, go sit down and stop CHEATING, and get your homework finished.

  2. What royal family does Guy Grossi belong to. maybe we can help if you can tell us. If not, maybe you had better close this question  

  3. I am sorry. This is the ROYALTY threads,where questions about the monarchy,about kings and queens regnant,heads of state are to be posted.Your question is about a chef and not royalty.Post your question in the Entertainment threads or check out for more information about your chef.

  4. What on earth are you talking about. This is the Royalty forum.

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