
Who are harder to raise ...boys or girls?

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Who are harder to raise ...boys or girls?




  1. Boys are probably harder, but everything for girls is WAAAYYY more expensive.

  2. girls are harder to raise because they want more accessories than boys

  3. its hard to say cause it depends on teh parents...some girls grow up to be sweet and cute and others grow up to be S****y little whores lol...some guys grow up to be lazy and rebelious and wont listen to parents...others will grow up to b really hot, sweet, sensitive, romantic, and the jonas brothers i love them

  4. Infants - probably about the same.

    Toddler to pre-teen - boys (out of control, always on sugar rush).

    Teen - probably about the same (both impossible to deal with).

    Dating age - girls (especially if you're a dad - need to buy a shotgun).

    I say girls at dating age because as a parent you worry more about girls' safety because this is when you realize all boys are evil, lol

    And girls cost more.

  5. i think it just depends on the child and their personality.  

  6. Girls are needier, guys are more frustrating

  7. both and depends...if you are divorced...if you have a daughter that is closer to her dad it may be dificult

  8. boys are when they are littler because they like to disobey and not listen to a word you say and girls are worse when they are older because you have to get them the nicest stuff and have to deal with the attitudes and then "that time of the month"  then you have to deal with the boyfriends.Thats my opinion.

  9. Girls, i think, because girls like fashion bags, clothes and other fashion things,so they spent more money.

  10. As small children there is no difference.  Some parents spoil their boys and allow their boys to get into more trouble, but that is the parents fault.

    Now teenagers are different.  Girls are much harder during this time because of their hormones.

  11. There are pros and cons to both.  When they're little little, I'd say boys are harder because they're crazier.  But my boy is only 2 so I can't compare raising boys and girls unless we're talking about the baby/toddler stages.

  12. i think girls. cause my parents are kinda protected of me. my dad would let my brother have s*x and not mw, till im married. its just weird.

  13. Girls,

    They are more likely to talk back to you, completely not listen to a caution that you give them.

  14. both are hard to raise just in different ways

  15. both.

  16. girls. when i have a daughter shes gonna be covered up head to toe. ever hear of burkahs? thats what she'll be wearing. even at school. she wont be allowed to have any boyfriends or else im gonna whip her.

  17. girls

    u have to deal with her first (.) plus every few day a month from there on her first bf her first time her (u know) her being sneaky when she is a teenager and a lot more

  18. well having a daughter and 2 sons i think they can b equally difficult to rasiee.. girls are more chqallenging in some aspects because you have to teach them the right way so they arent S****y or whorish and when they have their first things [LOVE, KISS, PERIOD I.E..} they follow their heart more then they are willing to follow you... boys are willing to listen 2 what they wanna say or they wanna do you have to teach them right aslsoo you dnt want tyhem 2 b abusers and stuuff and its harder for ui 2 get them to break hard habits. {nail biting, cursing, and stuff}  

  19. I think it really depends. In general girls are probably harder because they have a lot more hormonal problems and once they hit their teen years they just go crazy (not really but they do become tougher to handle). Boys can be hard if they are wild, but girls usually have more problems. Boys just don't come with the drama, shopping, and image problems.

  20. i mostly hear boys but its all bout how u treat them

  21. Girls are so much more higher maintenance! Girls are harder definitely.

    Hope I helped. =)

  22. boys when they are young, girls when they are teens.

  23. my mom has always said that girls are harder and boys are easyier. i dunno i have no kids but i think girls are easier when i babysit. boys are stubborn.

  24. i have two boys and there are things like potty training that make me want to pull my hair out. with girls, i hear they are not bad with the potty. so i would say boys are harder. at least when it comes to using the potty.  

  25. I've heard girls.  

  26. boys

  27. Hello, Mrs. Stevie

    There are really no difference. They are just little ones that are beautiful in every way. Really there is no difference. See these are the things.

    Boys: Don't have much feelings, very tough, don't show feelings,cute. playful,loving.

    Girls:Feelings,Lot of emotions,gentle,sweet,tough.

    See they both have the same things. Boys and girls are just like everyone else in this world,beautiful things sent from above. They are our gifts and treasure. They both are a challenge to raise because they are your responsibility and they have to learn the meaning and Way of life. I hope you have a nice child if that's why you ask this question. Well I will be praying for you. Good luck and take care.

  28. It all depends on temperament...yours and theirs

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