
Who are "Indigo" People?

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Who are "Indigo" People?




  1. You, Me, We....Indigo refers to the colour of ones Aura....It denotes the awakening of the third eye (Ajna Chakra - Pineal Gland)....It is the level of consciousness (spiritual growth) an individual is working at in their waking life....meaning that some people were born with their third eye already open; some individuals will experience their third eye opening during their lifetime and some individuals won't experience this at all, due to the restrictions placed in their environment (not allowing room for spiritual growth)....

    An open third eye (the pineal gland) gives one abilities to read others thoughts (Telepathy), show extreme empathy (where the individual literally 'feels' another persons pain), gives the ability to 'read' someones past, present and future, Remote viewing and other ESP abilities......

  2. "Indigo" is a term invented by New Age people to describe what they see as "special" children.  It consists of a list of vague characteristics that could apply to just about anyone.  There is nothing scientific or systematic about such a diagnosis.  Nor is there any prognosis as to how such people should be treated.  Basically, it's just a arbitrarily-applied badge of magical powers.

  3. People I stay away from.The kids are brats.The adults always have too many items for the express line.Which they stand in loudly talking on their cell phones.

  4. ok time out just because of the fact that you dont have the gift or havent taking the time to realize the gift you figure you will take it out on other people that do have it or have recognized that they do have it. it isnt right to judge someone because cause of the fact of the fact that they are not like you. calling it the new age c**p, or mumbo jumbo, or because of the fact of childrens behavior you think you have the right to tell them or us whats normal or not.

  5. It's SO EASY to Google!! Here it is..from Wiki..

  6. Heh.... it's New Age c**p.  Indigo children are supposed to see auras and be more intelligent then non-indigo kids.

  7. Basically its a way to make people feel special, or feel special about their children if they believe everything they read and hear about. The new age religion stuff starts to get silly, I know, but still they get a lot of followers.

    Indigo children are the product of reincarnation (a ridiculous concept in itself) and are born wise in the ways of the world. There are plenty of sites that will give you a list of symptoms that indicate you or your child are and indigo child.

    Anyone will fit the description, but the brattier the child the better they will fit.

    This is great for parents who don't want to take responsibility for their own bad parenting. They can blame the universe or Goddess or whatever mumbo jumbo they read about in their magic books.

  8. I added a link to a photo of the only real indigo people that exist.

    "Indigo" children is New Agey mumbo-jumbo, as another answer said, that was invented to help befuddled parents feel better about their ill-behaved children by attributing their child's anti-social behavior to the side effects of being psychically gifted. Of course, none of these so-called "indigo children" have demonstrated any special powers.

  9. TR has it right, as usual.  Basically, parents didn't do a great job of raising their kids, and don't want to admit their kids are screwed up, so they decide they must be 'special'.  Here's a good article on the phenomenon.

    The description - "they act like royalty, have difficulty with absolute authority unless given choices or explanations, are easily frustrated, e.g. when waiting in line, are not shy, have difficulty with guilt-based discipline, are non-conformist, may seem antisocial and prefer to be with their own kind, and may have social difficulties in school".  

    Hmm, yeah, that must mean they have supernatural powers!  Or maybe they're just brats.

  10. Indigos have very rich and sensualist tastes in music, food, scent, color, and other sensual expression. Adult Indigos are often connoisseurs of music, food, perfumes, art, clothing, or other 'sense-dense' items. They are the ones who will be able to pick out many of the ingredients in perfumes if they have studied perfumery. They also like to dissect the various flavors in foods and wines. The same also applies to music- musical preferences tend toward 'high calorie' and complex sorts: ambient, classical, dense world fusion, jazz, and other 'iconoclastic' forms.

  11. There is a book called indigo children written by Doreen Virtue, and another author is Louise Hayes

  12. it's called indigo children. it is used to show the conection that children have to feel energy. many studdies have shown that twin are more likely to be indigo children

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