
Who are some GREAT Wrestler and u DON'T Like?

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well for me, Randy Orton(his fans annoyed me when they started calling him better than edge wich is far from true), Kurt Angle(shuved down my trowth in TNA) and Samoa Joe , everyone loves his muscle buster and idk why, and eh i just cant seem to like him




  1. Robert Roode

  2. edge

    kurt angle

  3. Wifebeater >>> Great h@rdcore wrestler but (in spanish, I don't know how to explain it lol) me cae como el put.o cul.o.

    Marco Corleone >>> Common, his dance sucks, he looks g*y xD.

    Samoa Joe >>> I don't like his gimmick, is one of the best wrestlers on the world but I don't like his style and gimmick.

    Takeshi Morishima >>> The same that Samoa Joe, great Strong Style wrestler but...

    This is my opinion.

  4. JBL - He is a great Heel and a good wrestler, I just can't stand the man.

    The Great Khali - I respect him for what he does for his town, But i don't like him because he can't wrestle and he's only there because off his size

    Edit - Edge and TNA - Your 100% right, I was meant to say He is a great heel not a great wrestler... Thanks for the correction.

  5. aj styles rocks  

  6. i think Randy and Edge are both great in my opinions just because Edge has got more experience doesn't mean randy isn't amazing they re both my greatesti  idon'tt like joe that much hes Goodd wrestler but he hasnt got much charisma

  7. if ur a TC then why'd u ask a Q that has already been asked before. jeff hardy seems a good wrestler but i don't like drugies.

  8. Kurt angle

  9. Umaga because he has defeated a lot of main event wrestlers. He has been IC champion about a year into his carer, I just don't like him

    Batista well someone has to think he is a good wrestler.

    Samoa Joe because he is a good technical wrestler but just his charisma, and the sloppiness in the ring just makes me not waant to be his fan.

    Jeff Hardy honestly he is a very good wrestler but what is the big deal. I mean oh s h i t he pined Umaga, who who hasen't pined Umaga.  

  10. edge



    mike knox

  11. JBL is an awesome brawler. But his character make me want to see him get an equal beating.

    Total Non-Stop Angle got boring after a while.

    Samoa Joe isn't bad.

    I think Randy Orton is not only a better wrestler than Edge, but also a better heel. Just my opinion...

  12. edge is amazing but i dont like him   this web is amazing its got free wrestling ppvs from roh,tna and wwe theres no viruses cos i just went on it. its got summerslam on and it shows himself at his best

  13. Stone Cold Steve Austin

  14. Samoa Joe maybe a good wrestler but I don't see any charisma in him to be a main eventer!

  15. Great Wrestlers????

    Mark henry is a great wrestler...He can over power anything...But i don't like him...

    The Great Khali From my home town of india...i dont like him...But he is awesome..ppl don't like him because he is a heel...

    And...Vladimiz kozlov..he is awesome too...But something about him that i dont like.... >.<

  16. Undertaker is a great wrestler but i don't like him

    Samoa Joe i have to admit is a great wrestler but i don't like him

  17. greatest is easily HBK. for those of you that are too young, ignore the current HBK and find old tapes. tapes of hbk in his prime, when wwe allowed them to actually work a match. look for stuff in the 80's and 90's. his DVD's (both of them) have some good stuff on them

    the worst. there are so many to choose from.  

  18. I just can't stand Shawn Michaels at all.. just.. no.

    I also don't like Gail Kim though I'll give her credit, she's not bad.

  19. 1.HBK(I Hate his fans(girl) they keep sayin he is "hot" and they never cared about wrestling)

    2.Cody Rhodes ( i hate that dude he got no skills but still people like him for no reason

    3.Santino Marrella( People say they like him because he is funny but we are watchin wrestling not "funny moments"

    4.Somaoe Joe: he is great but i hate his fans

  20. Batista (Not really, I just want to p**s people off saying that)

    I never liked Booker T, but He is a GOOD wrestler, wouldn't call him GREAT.

  21. MVP has loads of potential but I can't stand him. If it were a choice between him and Jeff Hardy, I would still pick Jeff Hardy even though he's clearly not the better wrestler.

    Randy Orton is a great heel and I used to like him but he's pretty overrated in my opinion.

    Samoa Joe is one of the best wrestlers in North America right now but he has the personality of a wall, which is why I can't stand him. Also I am bitter about A.J. Styles not getting another main-event push.

    I like Jay Lethal but I HATE his gimmick.

    Chavo Guerrero is just as great a wrestler as Eddie was but I never, ever liked him.

    Bobby Lashley was also very cool but I could never appreciate him especially since I was at a point where I really hated that big men were the people who kept winning titles.

    James Storm is a terrific heel but I can't stand him; he was better off in America's Most Wanted with Chris Harris.

    I abhor Petey Williams now that he's Scott Steiner, Jr. Before that he was a wrestler I could really appreciate.

    Mr. Kennedy will be a future WWE leader if he plays his cards right but even if he is, he's hella annoying and my ears bleed when I hear his catchphrase. He's not even funny which makes it worse.  

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