
Who are some famous men who have played volleyball, but are not known for it?

by  |  earlier

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I know one is Wilt Chamberlain, and I know there are others... I'm just trying to have names to drop when people say men's volleyball is "g*y."




  1. Wilt Chamberlain was AWESOME! & he was one of the best Basketball players so if they think it's all "g*y" then why would Wilt Chamberlain play????

  2. The actor Tom Selleck used to be a high level volleyball player.  He played at many US Open adult championships.

  3. just watch

    top Gun.

    tom cruise wasnt bad but some of the others were very good.  Val Kilmer did and excellent job.

  4. well wilt was the first one that sprang to my head he was an awesome v-ball player i was lucky enough to play with him on the beach in Santa Monica and he was awe inspiring....cant think of others although I'm sure there are some out there...good luck

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