
Who are some great female leaders throughout time?

by Guest44971  |  earlier

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i am trying to make a point to my father that female leaders made a bigger impact on the world. if you could list the name, i'll do the rest of the research. thank you, Britt




  1. 1- Shajar Al-Durr (the Muslim queen of Egypt)

    Her husband King Al-Saleh Ayyub was very ill & eventually died while the country was under attack during the 7th crusade. She decided to keep his death a secret to the country in order that the army never demoralize. She run the country herself, defeated the crusaders, & declared the news afterward. She then ruled the country for more 7 years.

    2- Zenobia (Queen of Palmyra)

    When her husband was the Roman governor of Palmyra in what is today Syria, he used to appoint her in his place whenever he leaves the country in order to fight the Persian armies.

    After his death, she ruled in his place, her monarchy prospered, & she expanded by conquering the cities & the region around. The Roman emperor saw her as a threat to his authority, so he sent the army to take lands from her but she defeated his army.

    3- Elissa (also known as Dido)

    She was the founder & the 1st queen of Carthage.

  2. Empress Catherine the Great of Russia

    Queen Elizabeth I of England

    Joan of Arc of France

    Cleopatra of Egypt

    Queen Victoria of England

    More recently I would certainly put Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of England right up well as Prime Minister Golda Meir of Israel.

  3. Eleanor Roosevelt

  4. I wanted to say Eleanor Roosevelt, but gmoney beat me to her; so I will project a little and say Mother Nature, whom I believe to be a woman who was a Druid; but her name is lost to history because the Christians wrote our history and they tended to eliminate the competition, so to speak.

  5. Eleanor Roosevelt, Fridah Khalo, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Aretha Franklin, Jacklyn Kennedy, Martha Washington, Clara Barton, Linda McCartney, Cynthia Lennon.......and the list goes on.

  6. Joan of Arc

    Queen Elizabeth

    Margret Thatcher

    Molly Pritchard

    Rosa Parks

    Elanor Roosvelt

    Amelia Airhart

    Hellen of Troy


    and my favorite BOUDICCA!

    I'm sure there were many more great women leaders but history does not give us as many examples of great women leaders as they do as men.


  8. Heidi Fleiss

  9. joan of arc

  10. Joan of Arc

    Elizabeth I

    Mathilda of Flanders (her son was Henry II and she was the granddaughter of William the Conqueror)

    Queen Isabella of either Castile or Aragon.  

    Indira Gandhi

    Queen Boddacci (spelling is off)

    Catherine the Great

    They don't make a greater impact than most male leaders, but they can be just as influential.  With the exception of Elizabeth I,  I don't think you can say greater impact.  

    Although Joan of Arc was not a bonafide leader, she was the driving force behind the French armies for a couple of years.

    Mathilda of Flanders kept England at war for almost a dozen years before a compromise was reached and King Stephen agreed to make her son his heir.  She was never queen of England, but her son was.

  11. indira gandhi

    benazir bhutto

    margaret thatcher

    princess diana


  12. Cleopatra of Egypt

    Empress Theodora of the Byzantine Empire

    Joan of Arc

    Mary Queen of Scots

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Bloody Mary

    indira gandhi

    benazir bhutto

    margaret thatcher

    princess diana

    Catherine of Russia

    And there was a female pharaoh in ancient Egypt i forget her name but i know she was very important

    good luck with the argument.

  13. Pope Joan

    It is claimed that this John was a woman

  14. Depends on what your talking about, (An inspiring surfer, A person that fought for her rights) If your thinking like that, then here are some people.

    Bethany Hamilton, Rosa Parks, Betsy Ross, for some people, Hilary Clinton, Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earhart( I think she was important somewhat) Joan of Arc, Helen Keller, Oprah, Harriet Tubman.

  15. My mom

  16. Rosa Parks.

  17. Boudicca (sp?)

    Queen Elizabeth 1 of England


    The Queen of Sheba

    Joan of Arc

    Catherine the Great of Russia

    There's a few for starters :-)

  18. Well, there have been a number of influential female leaders, though of cours fewer in number than male leaders.

    Hatshepsut , the famle pharoah of the New Kingdom dynasty in ancient Egypt was probably the first major female leader in recorded history.  She reigned Egypt for many years, and her reign generally seems to have been succesful.

    Cleopatra of course is a very famous Queen of Egypt, though her attempt to form a rival empire with herself and mark Antony as rulers was a failure.

    Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni tribe in Britain, wrought a spectacular revenge on the Romans, wiping out three town, Colchester (then the biggest town in Roman britain), London, and St Albans.  She was ultimately defeated, but she certainly was an impressive leader if only for a short time.

    Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, was another notable queen who rebelled against Roman rule, and conquered a large portion of Asia.  Like her predecessors, she was ultimately defeated by the romans, but her story had a happy ending, she was allowed to live in retirement, and got married to a Roman.

    Empress Wu of china.  The 7th century Chinese empress who began her career as a concubine and worked her way up to being supreme ruler of China.  She reigned as regent fo rher son for many years, and was a powerful and influential woman.

    Aetheflaed 'the lady of the Mercians' was the daughter of King Alfred the Great of Wessex (part of England). She led her troops into battle many times against the Vikings, and was eventually killed in battle.

    Matilda of Tuscany was a powerful medieval ruler, who fought in many battles and succesfully defended her lands against enemy armies.

    Blanche, Queen regent of France.  She was regent for her son Louis IX for many years, and was a powerful and competent ruler.

    Joan of Arc was a visionary who led the French army to a succesful victory at the seige of Orleans and crowned the Dauphin King of France.  Her time as a leader was quite short, but she was immensely influential.  Her victories marked the beginning of the end of the Hundred years War.

    Queen Elizabeth I.  The first succesful Engish Queen regnant, she ruled England for 44 years and was a strong and capable ruler.

    Queen Zinga Mbandi, Queen of the Ndongo in Africa in the 17th century.  Fought the Portugese, traded with the Dutch, and held onto power until she died.

    Maria Theresa, empress of Austria in her own right, was a capable ruler of her country for many years in the 18th century.

    Catherine the Great, empress of Russia, was a powerful ruler of this vast country in the 18th century.

    Lakshmibai (the valiant Rani) fought the British in the Indian Mutiny and died in battle.

    Queen Victoria of Great Britain, although she reigned for a very long time (over sixty years) did not have any real political power as Britian had a constitutional monarchy by her day.  nevertheless she was an influential figure who expressed her opinions on all subjects forcefully to her ministers.

    In the twentieth century, there were a number of notable women who exercised political power.  Mrs Gandhi of India, Mrs Gold Meyer of Israel, and Mrs Thatcher of England were all notable Prime Ministers.

    I have really only mentioned a few of the notable women leaders of history, there are many others, though these are among the best-known.

  19. helen keller

    annie frank


    theres a book also about great female leaders

  20. Marie Curie

    Eleanor Roosevelt

    Queen Elizabeth

    Mother Teresa

    Harriet Tubman

    Helen Keller

    Jane Addams

    Rachel Carson

    Susan B Anthony

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    Amelia Earhart

    I've included a leaders of many different things from science to human rights.  Should give you a good selection.  Unfortunately, many of the great female leaders in history did so behind closed doors.  Women weren't acceptable in places of power and so you'll rarely find them in the history books.  Doesn't mean they aren't out there if you dig hard enough.  

    Also, Princess Diana was a great role model despite her personal life being in shatters.  Doesn't take away from the charity work that she supported.  Cleopatra was a bit of a nut.

    For a list of political leaders for then and now:

  21. Boudica. Benazir Bhutto. Indira Ghandi. Eleanor Roosevelt. Joan of Arc. Helen Keller. Anne Frank. Marie Curie. Rachel Carson. Mother Theresa. Queens Elizabeth I & II. Amelia Earhardt. Elizabeth Dole. Mary, Queen of Scots,

  22. Catherine the Great of Russia (she was actually German)

    Elizabeth I of UK

    A celtic leader in post Roman England whose name eludes me.

    Joan of Lorraine of France

    Mary Magdalene who bore Jesus's son

  23. Boudicea

    Elizabeth I

    Indira Gandhi

    Angela Merkle

    Margaret Thatcher

    Golda Meir

    Benazir Bhuto

    Corazon Aquino

    Violeta de Chamorro

    Ranavalona I

    Tons of queens of Hawaii

    Ci Xi - dowager empress

    Eleanor of Aquitaine - dowager Queen

    Catherine d'Medici - dowager  Queen

    also hard not to realize that Marie Curie, Helen Keller, and Anne Boleyn have affected the world.

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