
Who are some important people that you miss, but are still alive?

by  |  earlier

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My grandmother is an example, due to a drug addict uncle, I am not allowed at her house without my uncle calling the police.




  1. I miss my mother, ever since my sister had her baby, I havn't really been able to talk to her since he was born, and that was 2 1/2 years ago. She is always too busy with my sisters life, and doesn't even call me anymore. And when I call her, she is always with my sister, my dad, or the baby.

    I miss her, you know...

  2. my aunt ....she disowned me when she found out I was 18 and  getting married.

    My grandma-she is very ill and doesn't remember any of the family

  3. My little sister. I live with her, but it seems like she never has the time for me anymore.  

  4. My Grandma(Smokes alot)

  5. My blood grandad left my mum and my grandma years before I was born, I feel I shouldn't like him because he left them, but I still miss him (even though I never met him) and would love to get in touch with him...

    I also miss one of my brothers and his son, they live 3 hours away and we don't see each other much...

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