
Who are some of the most influential Muslim men and women...

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of the 20th century till the present day?




  1. Muhammad Ali did wonders for Islam by the help of Allah, i do not think he gets the recognition that he deserves. Islam did wonders for him to.

  2. Salman Rushdie

    Taslima nasreen

    Anwar sheikh

    Ibn Warraq

    FashionBrunette : Are you Nation of Islam type of muslim?

  3. the muslims that influence me, are the reverts in islam, honestly.

    any revert muslim. mashallah they put a smile on my face.

  4. The ones which did not murder others or take from others or own slaves or have more than one wife or beat their wives or children or take over other peoples countries or take booty or do any sins.   They are many but unfortunately are not more famous than those of Islam which did evil to others.

  5. ___________malcomm x

    _________________________Muhammad Ali

    ___________________________________Eli... Ali

    ______________________________________... Abdul


  6. Peace be upon you

    I think most of the people listed so far are famous and this does not mean that they are influential. Although there have been many influential people around recently they did not become famous throughout the Muslim world because Muslims today are divided into sects caused by selfish local leaders or Imaams who segeragate the community so that they could keep hold of their following. A perfect example of this was when Thair al Quadrie came to South Africa a few years back and the local Berellie "molvies" mobed up and did not let him talk, yet when I listen to his talks on Q TV these days they seem to be from a well educated person. Apart from divisions, Muslims today seem to be fickle, living a double life (one western) with no firm commitment to the truth and very little knowledge of Islam, so even if a germ walked pass they would not realise it. To complicate matters further, truly influential people in Islam do not seek fame.

    I have accross a few good authors such as Muhammad Fasl-ul- Rahman Ansari (1914-1974) and Khwaja Kamal-ud-din (I think he is late - his book was published in 1925). Ysuf Islam site Mountain of light and Hurun Yahya are good, enjoyable current web site. Music by Samy Ysuf (lyrics) is also good and perhaps influences people in another way. Ahmed Deedat has been influential to a certain extent but I personally did not like his approach. Personally there is someone that has influenced me greatly when it comes to Islam. He has influenced me so grately that I would put anything and everything, including my life at his disposal. From his teachings I now know so much about myself, I know  with certinity from where I come and to where I will go. I think that there are many such people who discretely do the work withou seeking worldly fame.    

  7. Malcolm X


    Minister Farrakhan

    Isabella Eberhardt

    Maryem Jameela

    Amina Assilmi

  8. Some good answers in the first one

    I would also add...

    Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, President of the UN General Assembly as well as Cheif Justice of the World Supreme Court (only person to ever hold both titles in history)

    Dr. Abdus Salaam, the first Muslim Nobel Prize winner (showed a return to Islamic greatness in the sciences since the early Muslims)

    MM Ahmad, Director of the World Bank (showed that the Islamic teaching of no interest is practical and beneficial)

    love for all, hatred for none

  9. Mirza Tahir Ahmad

    who has written volumes on contemporary issues:

    In Science, Prof. ABdus Salam

  10. I would say , El Sha3rawee, and Amr KHaled, he has been chosen as the most top influential 100 people, by international magazine


    Fame; doesn't mean to deny an adequate character its positive influence on others, on the other hand, non famous influential characters, shouldn't be denied as great influential persons.

    Personally, the two characters; I have mentioned, are having a positive influence on me; as well as many Muslims and non Muslims.

  11. Is it a shame that NO SAUDI, EGYPTIAN in the list?

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