
Who are some people that died for America?

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Are there any well-known people that died for their country (America)?

Or it would be fine if there were people like Patrick Henry - give me liberty or give me death. Where they fought for what was right and would rather die w/o it.

Thanks in advance!




  1. You could start with Crispus Attucks, an African-American who was one of the victims of the Boston Massacre. Or how about abolitionist John Brown?

  2. Here's a link to the names of 2,624 people who have died for their country in just the past few years.

  3. we all died in the seventies.we are just resurected zombies

  4. john and bobbie kennedy , martin luther king

  5. Patrick Henry didn't die for America, he died alone after the war. I don't even think he touched a gun during the whole war. A man who did though would be Richard Montgomery during the Battle of Quebec (1775). Another man who died for his country would be Stonewall Jackson (I guess, I'm more of an American Revolution person so don't take my word for it without reading about him first.)

  6. To name a few: J.D. Tippit, Darrel Lunsford, Mark Coates, Thurman Sharp, Gregg Winters, Fred White, Miguel Angel Sanchez-Febo, Floyd Carl Cox and Timothy "Jake" Laird.

  7. Yeah try the true americans the Native American!

  8. Battle death totals

    Revolutionary War:  4,435

    War of 1812:           2,260

    Civil War:            214,938

    WWI                    53,402

    WWII                  291,557

    These are not even all of the BATTLE deaths and doesn't include illnesses etc.

    Then you factor in people like policemen who died trying to protect us here at home and others and it becomes uncountable.

  9. The American Indians for starters....then Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John & Robert Kennedy, Medgar Everes. All these people died...trying to make this country better for everyone. They all paved the way for equality and the idea of a different pattern of thinking...although the way the country is seems we have hit a big pot hole...

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