
Who are some political canidates that believe the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer?

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Who are some political canidates that believe the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer?




  1. I would think that most candidates would think it quite logical that the difference in demand for high value skills and low value skills would be widening -- especially since at the low end you've had a huge influx in supply of immigrants with low skills. Of course, given what's happened in the financial markets over the last year or so, the gap may be temporarily narrowing.

  2. My understanding  that Jeffrey Sachs, a scholar of economics and health policy, belonged to Obama's economic team, months ago,  either as an adviser or as a theoretical potential of this Democrat candidate.


    His thought, after accepting the strategic mistakes, both economic and political level, by and alongside the different governments of the United States, years ago, also as international lending institutions, which he formed part or had a lot of interference, changed positively.

    The economic agreed, that instead of improving the economic situation of underdeveloped countries, what was done was worse, by promoting the maldistribution of wealth of the population.

    The gap between rich and poor, emerges as a result of this economic mess. Where is not satisfied with the goal of improving the socio-economic situation of a population, poor or extremely poor.

    According to his idea, to end poverty, he  believes, globalization as the most appropriate solution. In his book "The End of Poverty", raises a lot of these situations based on his experience as economic adviser or consultant.

    Under this view, he defends the position of the  question in this forum and therefore, is clear, what political candidate, may have that concept.

  3. Whatever you hear or read in the midst of a political campaign is calculated propaganda. It may or may not be true or it may be partly true but exagerated. Sometimes it is plain lies. What politicians say is crafted to create a perception. Candidates rarely say anything they are not prepared to say. There are more poeple who like to think the rich are getting a break and so the campaigns, knowing what the people want to hear, speak accordingly. Politics is not about truth, it is about perceptions. A candidate who dealt in truth and reality would stand little chance of success in the modern world. Most of what we take in is crafted to create a perception and most of us are not in a position to ask the kind of questions that might reveal deception. To know the truth, one must look for themselves, and then corroborate what he learns the best he can. This takes more time than most people have. I know this seems cynical. Sorry.

  4. I don't know about every one..but I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats are making the case.  Whether it is right or wrong, it is a message that would work. (I'm not giving my opinion on whether it is valid or not because that's beyond the point of this response.  Anyway, I think I do know about one.  Hmm.  Yes I think Barack Obama has talked something about that.  He's talked about oil companies getting richer..and has talked about how people in the country have suffered under the economy and all, so he's one, not sure about others.

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