
Who are the 'Hottest' male Olympic swimmers? ?

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To me, Michael Phelps has the amazing body, but a pretty dorky face.

Are there any hot-bodied + nice face Olympic-level swimmers out there?

(I think Aaron Piersol has a good swimmer's cap face & Ryan Lochte is a cutie with a pretty rockin' bod!)




  1. I didn't notice any of them but Michael Phelps. When he's on TV, my eyes are only on him lol. I know a lot of people say he looks dorky, but I don't. His eyes, wow, I could get lost in them. And of course you've pointed out his body - perfection!!! I will admit though, the guys look better in the pool than in their everyday street clothes.

  2. I agree that Phelps has a dorky face.

  3. Well micheal had Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder when he was a child so i guess that the reason for his face.

  4. My favourite is phelps but they all have pretty good bodys!

    Who cares about the face!

  5. my favorite is ian thorpe.....

  6. Ryan Lochte!!!!!!

  7. I'd have to say that Ryan Lochte is the hottest Olympic swimmer. I think it's the hair that does it for me...but he has an amazing body and a pretty cute face, too. And those dimples....You can probably tell he's my favorite.  

  8. Phelps, Lochte, and Piersol..thats in the American team tho...there are some hot Australians out there ^^

  9. Phelps is OK if he doesn't smile. Lochte had em beat by a mile

  10. Well I think Milorad Cavic. He has hot hot hot body + nice face + he's very nice and intelligent guy. I became a fan of him when I read his journal on his website. Anyway he's cuter than cute :)))

  11. Matt Grevers is pretty hot and he's won two olympic medals.

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