
Who are the NFL's playoff teams?

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Who do you think will make the playoffs in the AFC and NFC? Name em!!




  1. NFC

    East: Cowboys (tied with Giants, win tie break)

    West: Seahawks

    North: Vikings

    South: Buccaneers (everyone thinks the Saints, but the Bucs have more depth and a defense).

    Wildcards: Giants and Lions


    East: Patriots (no competition)

    West: Chargers (again no competition)

    North: Steelers

    South: Jaguars

    Wildcards: Colts and Browns

  2. AFC...San Diego Chargers NFC New Orlean Saints

    Super Bowl

    CHargers win it all!!

  3. Cowboys n Colts will go to the big show

  4. AFC-

    1. San Diego Chargers - They've shot themselves in the foot the past few seasons trying to get to the big one.  They realize how close they really were last year and I think that motivation will push LT & Co. to the Super Bowl.

    2. New England Patriots - Unfortunetly for the motivated bunch out west the Patriots are still THE TEAM in the AFC and you'd be an idiot not to realize it.

    3. Jacksonville Jaguars - Not a lot of people give this smashmouth team the proper respect.  Their defense can be the thing of nightmares, they lost a couple players in the line, but it's still a solid bunch.

    4. Pittsburgh Steelers - Pittsburgh will not have an easy time getting control of the AFC North with Cleveland looking to be a contender and if Cincinatti can get their stuff straight, this division could be one of the more competitive divisions in the NFL.

    5. Indianapolis Colts - The Colts and the post-season go hand in hand.  They looked a little lost in the play off game against San Diego, but they'll still make a run for it again this year.  I don't think they will dominate the AFC South this year though, JAX will be taking that crown.

    6. Oakland Raiders - A lot of people are picking Cleveland or New York to sneak in, but the Raiders have some really good talent on both sides of the ball.  Lane Kiffen is a good young coach and there are some good young players, plus Denver and KC do not pose much of a threat.  If Oakland steals one win from San Diego, mark my words. . .the Raiders will be playing in January.

    NFC -

    1. Dallas Cowboys - I make this pick gritting my teeth.  The Cowboys were really good last year, they're really good on paper this year, but I don't really feel they can be as dominant.  Still, dominant in the NFL as a whole is a lot different than dominant in the NFC, so I think my pick will be safe.

    2.New Orleans Saints - They know how they messed up last year.  They know from two years ago how good they can really be.  Plus the NFC South has never had back to back champions, which does not bode well for the Bucs.

    3. Minnesota Vikings - T-Jack is not at the level the team needs him to be at for this team to get into the NFC Conference Championship unless he had a major overhaul in the offseason.  AP is amazing, but he is not a team.  

    4. Arizona Cardinals - I've been a huge fan of Matt Leinart and he's looking good in the preseason, so I'm hoping that this year I don't look stupid picking Arizona to make the playoffs.  (plus, I hate Seattle and it'd be nice if the West wasn't given to them once again)

    5. Philadelphia Eagles - Tough division and I would not be surprised if NY or Washington filled this spot.  If the Eagles stay healthy it is theirs, but as any football fan knows healthy Eagles are hard to come by on most years.

    6. Chicago Bears - They've made some nice and positive changes to the team.  Brandon Lloyd will live up to his potential and Kyle Orton will become the hottest thing since Bill Parcells yanked Drew Bledsoe for that kid from Eastern Illinois.  I could be dreaming, but I hope not.

    AFC Championship Game -

    San Diego v. New England

    NFC Championship Game -

    New Orleans v. Minnesota

    Super Bowl -

    San Diego v. New Orleans

    Champion -

    San Diego Chargers

  5. We'll know by December '08 or January '09.

  6. NFC

    Division Winners:



    New Orleans



    Green Bay



    Division Winners:

    New England



    San Diego




  7. NFC

    1. Dallas Cowboys -hard division but has done well in offseason and they did well in this division last year.

    2. Minnesota Vikings- Easy division will win all division games and alright schedule with the team they have improved.

    3. New Orlean Saints- also easy division

    4. Seattle Seahawks- same team, easy division

    5. Phili Eagles- healthy team with lots of potential.

    6. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- usually slides into playoff every year some how. (close is Giants)


    1. Colts- Healthy team will dominate this year.

    2. New England- Still have Brady cant lose with that and moss

    3. San Diego Chargers- Dominant team this year. defence is sick!

    4. Steelers- Easier dvision with the team that they have. Ben got new contract so he will perform.

    5. Clevland Browns- Sleeper team that has potential to become last years Giants.

    6. New York Jets- Slide in the end with Brett Farve at the reins.

    NFC Championship

    Dallas Cowboys V.S. Minnesota Vikings

    AFC Championship

    Colts V.S. Chargers


    Chargers V.S. Vikings

    CHAMPS= Chargers

  8. Patriots Super Bowl Champions

  9. If I knew that now I would be a very rich man!

    Won't know until the end of the regualr season.

  10. This year I think it will be

    New England


    San Diego







    Tampa Bay



  11. patriots and panthers

  12. AFC:

    1. Chargers (They have no weakness if healthy. Superbowl favs!)

    2. Patriots

    3. Colts

    4. Jaguars

    5. Browns

    6. Bengals


    1. Vikings

    2. Cowboys

    3. Saints

    4. Seahawks

    5. Bucs

    6. Packers

    Chargers Vs Cowboys in the Superbowl

    Chargers romp 30-10

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