
Who are the Redwings playing against pens or REFS?

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Who are the Redwings playing against pens or REFS???????

Crapy calls in the 1st.




  1. I thought they were great calls!


  2. refs....crappy ones...maybe the worst

    denial wont get ya anywhere....your blind too i guess

  3. The refs have been terrible to the Wings all year..we just gotta play through it.

  4. refs

    and sadly the refs are winning.

  5. the nhl wants the pens to win. if they do im not watching this c**p anymore.

  6. i swear the wings been playing against the refs since the Dallas series

  7. Last time I checked they were playing the Pens...stop your crying already...just makes you look bad.

    Go Pens!!!

  8. Its the world vs the RED WINGS as always.  Homer always gets shafted whether it be a bad call or the GROIN!!!

    We'll see who's cryin when Sid "the little" kid gets spanked and your Pens fall short, get it?

  9. Refs - you're right, crappy calls.

  10. The refs are doing a good job I don't like the deadwings!!

  11. Does it suck?  Sure, but lets not start complaining.  Its a long series.  Hopefully it will even out in the end.

  12. Isnt it funny too how they're not even talking about it at intermission?

    They know if they do and go against the Bettman regime they'll be fired.

    I said it before, DET is at a disadvatange with golden boy crosby out there.

  13. So far the Wings are handing the Pen's AND the refs their a**es.  The intensity is unreal.

  14. Both but it wont matter. The Wings will take them both on. The refs have a better chance of steeling a game from the wings then the Pens, And that cant happen when the Pens score 0 points

  15. I think the NHL already has Sidneys name etched in the cup so they need to make sure it happens.

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