
Who are the Zionist?

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Is it different from Judaism? Is it really a offensive to Jews?

I don't intend to offend anybody. Any post found to be offensive regardless of their religious affinity will be reported.




  1. David Ben Gurion and Chaim Wiezmann. I can't tell you more without being reported. I will gladly tell it to anyone that wants to know.

    added. I'll be serious now,zion is many things. Zion refers to a fortress King David conquered on Mt. Zion. It can mean Jerusalem/Israel. It refers to a political movement to establish a Jewish homeland. Zion can more broadly mean utopia. Rastafarians zion is Ethiopa. To the Latter Day Saints zion can mean America. Daughters of zion can refer to a Jewish group or a Christian group.

  2. Ms.Miche gave you the perfect answer, that is what Zionism is no more no less.

    Bravo Sierras answer on the other hand, as he presented "the protocols of Zion"  a forged and fraudulent document used by totalitarian leaders to stir hatred toward Soviet Jews, is typical of his on going anti semetic B.S.

  3. Hello Hyder,

    The Zionists were people involved in the creation of the state of Israel.  Zion is a biblical name for Israel.  The first Zionist was Theodor Herzl.  He proposed to have a nation for Jewish people because of anti Semitism that has existed throughout the ages.  Now that Israel exists, it is a safe haven for all Jewish people in case history should ever repeat itself.  

    Zionism is a term still used today primarily by uneducated people and people who do not recognize Israel's right to exist.  This is a way of hiding their anti Semitic view - though it does not work, as it is quite transparent to Jewish people.

    For Jewish people Zionism is a term very much like "the pioneers" in reference to the first Americans.  We do not use that term anymore since Israel is very much a real country.

    EDIT:  In biblical terms there is a reference to the return to Zion (Israel.)  The idea of developing a country for Jewish people began in the mid 1800s by Theodor Herzl.

    Those who call Israelis and their supporters "Zionists" use that term because they have trouble uttering or writing the name Israel.  Hence Zion and Zionism is used in replacement for Israel and Israelis and their supporters.  The reason we see it as anti Semitic is because there are people who want to create a distinction between Israelis and Jewish people living outside of Israel.  There is also an attempt to separate Israelis and there supporters (bad guys) and Jewish people living outside of Israel who don't necessarily support Israel (good guys.)

    What is happening now is that some Jewish people (a small minority) is buying into this divide and conquer strategy so they will be perceived as "good guys" in case someday there should be an increase in anti Semitism.  Those Jews will be able to say: "Hey, don't hurt me, remember, I am a good Jew who does not support Israel."

    EDIT 2: Islam does not recognize Israel though history and archaeology indicate that we have been here for around 4000 years. There is absolutely no reference to the land where Israel is or Jerusalem in the Koran.  That is why denying Israel's right to exist is considered anti Semitic.  The fact that Muslims do not let us live in peace is simply a struggle for territory.  The fact is we have many Muslims living in Israel but Jewish people, particularly Israelis are not welcome in Muslim countries.  Peace will come when Islam developes a solid identity.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  4. Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum

    it is not the same as judaism (which is a religion) most jewish people are zionists.

    you also get Christian Zionism or Restorationism, is a belief among some Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy. Some Christian Zionists also believe that the "ingathering" of Jews in Israel is a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus. This belief is primarily, though not exclusively, associated with Christian Dispensationalism, mainly in English-speaking countries outside Europe. The idea that Christians should actively support a Jewish return to the Land of Israel, along with the parallel idea that the Jews ought to be encouraged to become Christian, as a means fulfilling a Biblical prophecy has been common in Protestant circles since the Reformation.[1][2][3]. The term Christian Zionism was popularized in the mid-twentieth century. Prior to that time the common term was Restorationism.

    Christian Zionism, as a specifically theological belief, does not necessarily entail sympathy for the Jews as a nation or for Judaism as a religion. Since the biblical text is filled with references to God's chosen people, it is common for Christian Zionists to emphasize the Jewish roots of Christianity, and even to promote Jewish practices and Hebrew terminology as part of their own practice; however, Christian Zionists commonly believe that to fulfill prophecy, a significant number of Jews will accept Jesus as their Messiah, and that in the last days, such Messianic Jews will practice a thoroughly Hebraic form of Christianity.

    Many Christian Zionists believe that the people of Israel remain part of the chosen people of God, along with the ingrafted (based on Romans 11:17-24, Holy Bible) Gentile Christians. This has the added effect of turning Christian Zionists into supporters of Jewish Zionism.

    and believe it or not there are muslim zionists as well.

  5. Zionist is a colonial movement existed only in the 1800 in the colonial era.

    Judaism is a respected religion in the world for the last 3000 years.

    Zionist misused Judaism to  create a Zionist colony.

    Zionist contradicts Judaism morality on every issue starting with colonial policies to the treatment of the native people of Palestine.

    It is the colonist vs. the rest of humanity including Judaism.

    Is DR. Noam Chomsky anti-Semitic too?

  6. Judaism is a religion while Zionism is a political movement. Zionist is not an offensive term, but many people are against Zionism.

    Judaism and Zionism are related but not the same. "The Zionists" are the people who believed in a state just for Jews. Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews, but many many people are both.

  7. Ms. Miche did a great job, as she usually does. She is obviously pro-Israel and pro-Jewish. She shows her support through facts and opinions. You can argue any opinion, but she seems to always be correct in her facts.

    I agree that the term Zionist is offensive when it is used to refer to anyone who supports Israel's right to exist in peace. It is like "the 'N' word" is to black people in the U.S. because that word was corrupted by the whites to be derogatory.

    I say this only as a warning to check anything Mark says before believing it. He is always anti-Israel and anti-Jewish. Again, you are argue with opinions, but he almost never gets his facts correct. Then dates he gave are way, WAY off.

    The Jewish year is 5700 something. Does that mean that the religion has been respected for only the last three thousand years and not for the first almost three thousand? Or does it mean the numbers are wrong? I believe it is the latter answer.

    The Zionist movement was only in the 1800's? I think that is what he said. What about the movement of the mid 1900's? Wasn't that also Zionist? I thought it was.

    Who are the native people of Israel? Is it the last people who stole it from the previous owner? If so, it is the Jews that are now there. Or is it the oldest group that is documented to have owned it? Or is it one of the many groups that have stolen it over the thousands of years of man?

  8. Same like n***s.Only it's modern and still ongoing..

  9. Hi. The word comes from the Hebrew word "Zion". Zion (pronounced "Tziyon") is one of the names of Jerusalem, mentioned in the Torah (Bible) numerous times.

    So, historically and religiously, the Jews have been "Zionists" for thousands of years in the sense that (1)Jewish worship was centered since ancient times on the Temple Mount (in Jerusalem) and (2)Jerusalem also became the capital of Israel from the reign of King David.

    As Jerusalem was so central to Jewish life, exiled Jews who longed for Israel pined for "Zion", as a reference to Jerusalem as well as to Israel itself.  

    Are you interested in learning more about  that " Nile to the  Euphrates" claim? It is an example of a widely promulgated anti-Israel falsehood.  

    (Psychologically, it is a fine example of projection       )

    As to whether one small Jewish state in the Middle East would ever be allowed to coexist with its neighbors, it depends which Muslim opinions one follows. There are a few (knowledgeable) Muslims who explain that the Quran is Zionist.

    Someone here mentioned the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". This has nothing to do with Zion, Jews, or even reality. The fabricated "Protocols" are an infamous piece of anti-Jewish propaganda that have no place in a serious discussion among  educated, enlightened human beings.  s

  10. Zionism is political.

    Judaism is a religion.

    Not the same.  Lots of crossover, but not the same.

    One can be Jewish without being a zionist, and one can be a zionist without being Jewish.

    Sort of like one can be a Democrat and a Socialist.

    One is political and one is economic.

  11. Zionists are the people who believe that Palestine is the land of the jews, and that the jews have the right to build a country in that area. When it's clear that they don't. This land has been the Palestinian's for thousands of years. And if the Americans or any other peoples believe  that the jews have the right to form and build their own country then they should allow them to build it in America or wherever it is the f^ckers come from.

  12. Judaism is a religion. It overlaps with Zionism in that zionism stems from the nationalist sense of Jewish people historically.

    There are 2 types of zionism -- religious (biblical and modern) and political, which is less connected to Judaism as a faith, but somewhat as a heritage and culture. I don't find the term Zionist to be offensive, nor am I ashamed of the belief that both religiously and politically, Israel has a right to exist.

    The protocols are a bad piece of fiction. Ignore them. If you want their history, i can get you links that prove their worthlessness.

  13. Zionist are those who support , &  encourage Jews to settle in Israel . It is an international political movement .

    Ms Mich.....Zionism is naked evil   racism .  opposed worldwide by descent people who believe in humanity . Many descent Jews despise  it .  Jewish groups like satmar Hasidim , Neturei Karta group .

    Read    Vayoel Moshe by Satmar Rebbe Joel Teitelbaum . It asserts that Zionism is forbidden in Judaism , based on an aggadic passag in the Talmud, tractate Ketubot 111a .

        Also read Noam Chomsky .

  14. - Some say Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people. Others refer to Judaism as the beliefs/ history of the Jewish people.  Since not all Jews are religious the word Judaism means something different to all people.

    - Zionist is the term for those who believe in the formation of a Jewish nation. This is in reference to the creation of the nation in the present day.  Since the Jewish people were exiled and the lands renamed Palestine by the Romans, there was on saying that the exiled Jews would say,"Next Year In Jerusalem".  This referring back to the fact they wanted their land back, that was taken away by the Romans.

    - The Zionist are still active because they want the whole of the land to be returned to them. Thereby eliminating the Arab residents, whom they believe have not right to claim the land as theirs. To share the land is not an option for Zionist.

    - I cannot say if it is offensive to the Jewish people as I am not Jewish.

    - Lastly, the Zionist believe that this is the land God gave them and need to be returned to them before their Messiah will return. But what they don't realize is that the Messiah has come and gone and they received him not.

    - P.S. - The eternal fight over the land has gone on since the beginning of time.  But as we see prophecy being realized, Israel is dead center of the End Times.  Watch, read, learn, and get ready. The 2nd coming is upon us.
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