
Who are the best pets cats or dogs hm?

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which do you like better dogs or cats i want to see the votes plus i like both but don't know




  1. 1 Horse

    #2 Dog

    #3 Cat

  2. cat - if you don't have too much time to play with your pet

    dog - if you have a big backyard and have a lot of time to play

    rabbit - if you don't like noise

  3. well for me cats are the best pet then dogs.

    im a lazy sorta person and i noe if i had a dog id have to be walkin it and that wud stress me out cos i noe i wouldnt do it often enought.but dogs are heaps more affectionate.

    cats on the other hand are lazy like me and we can share many sleeping momments together.theyr like hot water bottles in winter.

  4. We have one of each. The cat takes care of the small pests outside our door and the dog takes care of the big ones.  

    And they take care of each other. The cat had a run in with a fox or a coyote the other night and the dog is nursing her back to health.

  5. I like dogs better. The experience I've had with cats has been.. boring. They never did anything.

  6. I had the best crazy, funny, loving, wild tortise shell cat

    and she had part maine coon so her hair was like a mane around

    her face anyway when she died I could not have another cat

    too sad...then an abused jack russell came into my life

    she is the best, calmest loving doggie and so smart

    then a purebred yorkie was gifted to me (the runt) who stole my

    heart with his tootsie roll eyes and butt wiggles  

    those two are with the almost X

    I kept my mom's dog a shihpooh who was my solace and

    company after my mom died we comforted each other

    I love these dogs with my entire heart and they really are

    great pets they make you go out and walk several times

    a day, give lots of love and are smart and funny

    however a dog you cannot leave for long amounts of time

    cats are so cool they are independent little souls who love

    to love you when they want and they keep themselves busy

    checking out the window for action and cuddle up sweetly

    to watch a movie with you and purr for happiness

    and if you have to be gone for a weekend they can take care

    of themselves opposed to dogs who must go out for biz

    I love my doggie that I have and am very happy with him

    and I have asthma that gets bad with a cat so I am now

    a doggie person unless a kitty cat comes by needing

    love and home

  7. It depends on what you are looking for. Do you work a lot? Are you away from home more than 12 hours of the day?

    If you said yes to either then a cat is a better option. Dogs aren't nearly as self reliant as cats. I have 1 dog and 2 cats but I'm honestly a dog person. I think the size of the place is also important, a place with a yard is better for a dog and you have to have enough room for the dog. Most cats are totally fine with just being inside and sleeping, dogs are not. I can't get my cat to fetch a ball though.  

  8. Well that depends on where you live, if you have a yard  a dog is good, but in a small apartment a cat is better. They don't have to be taken out to use the bathroom, just have to keep the litter box clean.  

  9. well me too I like both but since I figured out I was allergic to cats I totally wanted a dog..... anyway dogs are fun to play with and cats well they sleep alot (just saying)  so personaly I think dogs are better........

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