
Who are the biggest liars? Rank them in order...?

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I say...





I think Biden and Obama NEVER are very honest; I think McCain is honest, but I trust Palin more then McCain.

Please rank them, OK, be fair, if that's possible for democrats! LOL>




  1. Hate to tell you, but Biden can be a little too honest, to a fault. He's upfront and honest, not afraid to tell you what's on his mind.

    Republicans however seem naturally secretive.

  2. any usa politician is a liar

    Obama  = a try hard little experience that's a worry

    McCain = a muliti millionaire still can move on from being a vietnam vet

    Biden = looks a member of the KKK

    Palin = a attractive woman, looking for average male vote  

  3. all politicians are crooks therefore making them all equal opportunity liars  

  4. Now... understand I am ultra conservative so you might not believe this ranking...  But it's what I truely believe...

    1)  McCain - Has lied to me before, multiple times.

    2)  Biden - He's been in Congress so long that lying is almost a requirement.

    3)  Obama - He's not truthful about how he has voted and/or his experience.

    4)  Palin - Don't know her.

  5. Liars:

    #1 McCain: McCain has been caught in several self-serving lies.  He invented a story about a "cross in the dirt" in 1999 for his memoir, and has traded on it heavily.  When asked a question in Pittsburgh, he recycled a POW story, making about the Pittsburgh Steelers, rather than the original Green Bay Packers.

    #2 Palin: Sarah Palin comes to the VP nomination *already* under investigation.  Her office was involved in the wrongful termination of an Alaska state trooper.  Palin and her staff denied making any phone calls or discussing the matter at all; when phone records (including recordings of calls) emerged proving that they had made the calls, they changed their story.  Just today she claimed that the trooper was fired for failure to address certain issue in Alaska; on July 13th she went on camera to *praise* this trooper's progress on these issues.  She's lying about *something* -- we'll find out when the report is released just before the election she's going to lose.

    Obama and Biden aren't liars.

  6. Obama




    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

    "A person is not given integrity. It results from the

    relentless pursuit of honesty at all times."


  7. Bush

  8. Obama is honest, he blatantly shows his plans of Socialism and control.  

  9. McCain




    *Only because I haven't heard her say much.  I reserve the right to change this order.

  10. First thing out of palin's mouth was a lie about the Bridge to nowhere...


  11. Bush, Cheney, old Bush, Reagan, Fox news, a lot of people on this site,

  12. yomama/obama/biden/mccain/palin

  13. After Obama's speech:





  14. All four lie, everybody lies! Get over it!

  15. I say Obama, Biden, McCain and then Palin.

  16. Oddly enough, it's a four-way TIE!

    ALL politicians are liars

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