
Who are the criminals in the adoption world?

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Who are the criminals in the adoption world?




  1. "Criminals"?  

    The only "criminals" in the adoption world are the ones who have little disregard for the law such as:

    - people who abuse children

    - people who "steal" children rather than adopting legally

    - people who deceive others with fraudulent information (regardless of the side of the triad they are on)

    -  and unethical agencies or attorneys

    Do all adoptions have criminal influence?  No.  But yes, there are some that are not processed morally or legally.

  2. baby stealers/kidnappers

    unethical lawyers/attorneys and agencies

    rumor spewing people who spread hate and ignorance (yeah I said it- the propaganda idiots)

  3. lawyers and agecies that sell babies and give the real parents nothing but a hard time

  4. Dear Shakky,

    I consider the following to be the "criminals" of the adoptions world:

    1.) Corrupt faciliators (eg. Georgia Tann & Judge Camille Kelly, The Bankses, some SWs and Administrators of  CPS & DSS who are not doing their jobs, some "maternity" homes", parents who force their minor children to place their babies, etc. People who kidnap, coerse and lie to gain financially, politcally or socially from adoption)

    2.) First "Parents" who abuse, deny or refuse to give answers to their children. (As a First Mother, I resent these folks more than I can express.)

    3.) Abusive Adoptive Parents (eg. Joan Crawford, Lynn Paddock, Judith Leekin, etc.)

    4.) Adoptive Parents who refuse to return a child to the First Parents when the adoption is contested or challenged (eg. The Needhams, The APs of Evelyn Bennett, Baby M, Baby Jessica & Baby Emily, etc)

    5.) Lawmakers & Judges who ignore Adoptee rights, Father's Rights & Children's rights, Family rights (Family meaning ALL families) in order to protect the intrests of the "industry", to cater to lobbiests or further their own adgendas

    6.) Agencies and Reunion Services that charge ridiculous sums of money to provide information for those who are searching

    7.)The media for its perpetuation of adoption myths and stereotypes and lack of honest, fair coverage of the subject.

    JMHO, but I think all of these things are criminal and should not be allowed. I am so GLAD that there are so many people who are voicing their opinions about these things. Hopefully someday all adoptions will be necessary, ethical and healthy. Until then I am happy to know that the MAJORITY of people don't fall into ANY of these categories and that the numbers are growing.

  5. Apparently anyone with Googly Eyes, (not referring to the first poster)

    Unethical facilitators, well come to think of it honestly I have never met and ethical one.

    Anyone who would lie, steal or cheat to get a child.

  6. Those who put such a stigma on adopting that APs and adoptees feels as if they have done something 'wrong' or 'are bad' just because they achieved a family a little differently than the most common way.

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