
Who are the enemies of America supporting and hopes wins the upcoming election?

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  1. China would want Mcbush for sure, He will have to borrow more money to fight all the wars he wants.

    Iran, well Mcbush again, He has made them stronger on the world stage and united extremist behind them.

    Bin Laden  Mcbush again  They have let him run free after attacking us and killing Americans

    Kim Yong  well he is to busy watching cartoons to care.

    Saudi Arabia would take Obama because they stand to loose alot if we get off oil.

    And the biggest enemie  American Corp. They would want Mcbush so they can get even more money for there CEO's

  2. They are supporting the black muslim racist who is deceiving the very stupid in America which is the liberal left.  I just don't understand how a man named Obama Hussein Barack could get this far.  We all have seen the red flags with this man, his association with the racist Rev. Wright, his wifes anti-American comments, etc...  what more do we need?  This man is Americas worst nightmare.  Wake the ....up America and come back to your roots.  "In God We Trust"  

    McCain/ Palin is our hope!!!!

  3. I am beginning to see that the religious right is the real enemy of America.

  4. No doubt our enemies want Obama to win. He will get us into a war with one of our Allies when he attacks Pakistan.

    Plus they will appreciate the USA becoming a welfare state.

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