
Who are the happiest people on earth?

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Who are the happiest people on earth?




  1. Newborn babies, not a care in the world.  

  2. the people who are truly happy with themselves and who they are and what they have. no one can buy happiness or true love an friendship but once you come to terms with who you are and what you feel than you really find true happiness.

  3. people who realize the good in things.

  4. The dead?

  5. I think the happiest people on earth are those who want nothing more than they have, and have nothing more than they need.I think they would appreciate what they have so much that what they have is enough for them.  

  6. Traits of the Happiest

    1.  Content with what they have and Expects even less

    2.  Cares for only themselves as the rest of the world will only be a drag

    3.  Luck comes with them from every corner.

  7. Arguably...

    As a group:

    The Bhutanese

    People who are genuinely spiritual

    Anyone who holds his/her baby for the first time

    Anyone looking into the eyes of someone who truly loves them

    And least of all..

    As a group, Americans.. because their Constitution enshines in their mind the PURSUIT of happiness... not its ATTAINMENT.  How can anyone be happy if they are always pursuing it?

  8. Those that have minimum desires like all animals, brids and fishes.

    Just food, s*x and children.

  9. Those people on the other side with the greener grass than mine.

  10. just married doubt... Blink of eye, but still just married ones.

  11. Happiness is a state of mind or an attitude. You can think yourself happy if you want.


    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

  12. I can't find the article I read a few weeks ago but according to that the Danish are among the happiest people.  

  13. The ones that appreciate what they have...

  14. Those with the Holy Spirit!


  15. Those who finally attain what they have been dreaming of. In my own experience, nothing makes me happier than when I've been looking forward to something for a long time and it finally happens. Weather it's my favorite person winning American Idol or seeing the newest member of my family for the first time. For that moment in time I feel like the happiest person on earth.

    Nobody can be happy ALL the time.

  16. happy pople are those who have obedient children and settle nicely in there life .

  17. The ignorent...?

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