
Who are the highest paid non-surgical doctors?

by Guest63941  |  earlier

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I've wanted to be an MD for a couple of years now. I am the top 10% of my class and all of the undergraduate schools I've visited so far are all in the top 60 overall according to US News so I feel I can do academic wise. I also enhoy science alot. I am also prepared for the long journey ahead (college, med school, then the 8 years or whatever of residency). I am looking to be a non-surgical doctor because I am not very steady with my hands. What would you say are the top paid non surgical doctors?




  1. maybe an anesthesiologist? or good ole' internal medicine?

  2. SPECIALTY   Years 1-2 >3 Max

    Allergy/ Immunology $158,000 $221,000 $487,000

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